[color=crimson]"Shut up before I drown you,"[/color] came a groan from the sand. Everything hurt. Temp's lungs burned like fire, scrubbed raw from coughing up seawater. The young woman swiped at her mouth with the back of her hand. She spit in the sand. Forcing herself up, Temp stood. Green clumps of seaweed hung from her body and she yanked them off with a sneer. So much for her clothes. It'd been the last set her grampa'd made for her before kicking the bucket, too. A pinprick of sadness poked at her, threatening to pierce the wall she'd built inside herself. Temp grit her teeth. She wiped her mop of hair out of her face and looked over her shoulder at the two people standing there. They both looked familiar. The guy looked different without his polished shine and immaculate presentation, but there was no denying that stick-up-your-ass posture and the patronizing sneer. Temp tried not to be disappointed that he hadn't drowned. The girl though was easier to place. Actually, she almost looked better than when Temp had last seen her. Flashes of last night passed through her mind. Temp had been getting drunk with the crew and some of the rowdier (funner) passengers. It'd been too long since she'd gotten drunk. [i]Really[/i] drunk. Too many nights of playing babysitter to smashed bar rats and kicking out assholes who didn't understand 'no.' So she'd cut loose a little. That girl… Laughy? Lucy? Temp was pretty sure the last time she'd seen her, she was doing shots off that lute thing. Then again, Temp was also fairly certain she'd gotten into a brawl with a one-armed ape, so who was she to judge? Everyone she loved was dead, sue her. Panic struck her then. [i]Evelyn[/i] [color=crimson]"Shit."[/color] Temp's eyes darted around the sand. There were bodies scattered around the beach. [color=crimson]"Evelyn?"[/color] she called. [color=crimson]"Hey, Ev!"[/color] Her voice echoed down the beach as Temp moved, trying to find the girl or her siblings. Temp kneeled down to the first body she came to. She flipped it over. Whoever it was, it wasn't Evelyn, but – A groan. They were alive. Temp started patting at their cheek (it was really closer to [i]slapping[/i]). [color=crimson]"Hey, c'mon. Storm's over. Time to wake up."[/color]