“I-I'm sorry.” The kid blurted out after his mind finally oriented itself, the slight twinge of a headache still lingering somewhere in the frontal lobe. Bryson blinked his eyes a few times, allowing his vision to refocus once again before gazing at Alex and realizing he was okay. But when his attention shifted to Kord, all he saw was the blood covering the kid's hand and face, not realizing that it was, in fact, the PSF guards own from the fatal wound inflicted only moments earlier. “Geez dude, are you okay?” Bryson spoke up, examining the other’s hand only to notice the absence of any serious wounds. “Wha?...” One of the other cabinmates pointed to the dead guard. “Oh, right.” Bryson said with a sheepish grin. “I knew that.” The kid took a few steps toward the exterior wall of the cabin and leaned against it, his head still a bit off kilter from the previous telekinetic attack. He'd practiced all kinds of techniques more times than he could recall, and never did a headache of such magnitude rock his mind as it did at that moment. Perhaps it was the control environment of the cabin that just made things easier to focus on, and each training session by himself or with a few of his friends was nothing extreme. But this time was chaotic, and while he hit his target and accomplished what he’d set out to do with his powers, the mental drain was overwhelming to the say the least. He rubbed his temples with the tip of two fingers, gently massaging the ache away for all it was worth, before exhaling a sigh of relief that was a long time coming. “If I smoked, I’d probably be on my second pack by now.” He said in a jovial manner, although the expression on his face told a different story. Bryson wanted to be tough and in control, but he didn’t quite feel that at the moment, even in the wake of Kord’s concern about what we should do next. “Well, I say we stick together if we’re going to get out of this shithole. Maybe even meet up with the other cabins if we can find them” Bryson glanced around the area, not seeing much, but hearing the continued fighting in the distance. “But, either way, I guess we need a plan then, yeah?.”