Izayoi wasn't about to let Jacques get near him. A bright light in his hands reveals itself to be a [b]Bandit Sling[/b], and, in a bold move of courage (and perhaps stupidity), Izayoi stopped dead in his tracks, feet firmly planted. His arms spin around and, instantly seeing his target, draws and releases the sling, hoping the projectile in question, if not overly dangerous, would at least cause him to dodge and slow his advance. Immediately as soon as the sling discards from use, two more weapons appear in his hands: a pair of [b]Thorn Whips[/b]. With these, Izayoi strikes fast, intending on not letting Jacques avoid them. Though low in damage, he hopes that the pair will either slow his advance enough for him to dodge a strike from Jacques, or deal considerable damage with both weapons. He would do the best he could to avoid taking the full force of an Arcane Longsword, however wouldn't compromise his mobility to do so. While trying to avoid the swords, he orders his wolves: [color=black][i]'Patrol Hounds, hunt the one on the floor! Man-Wolves, kill the sentry and come to my aid!'[/i][/color] He could feel his energy beginning to give out. The pain from the fighting was undoubtedly taking its toll on not only Izayoi's body, but Mayuri's too. However, she had resigned herself to an alternate persona to deal with the pain, as well as continue fighting. [hr] 1. Izayoi stops in his tracks and spins around, [b]Bandit Sling[/b] firing directly at Jacques. 2. As soon as the [b]Bandit Sling[/b] dispels, a pair of [b]Thorn Whips[/b] form in his hands, attempting to deal as much damage as possible. 3. Izayoi orders the [b]Patrol Hounds[/b] to kill the grounded [b]Frontline Centurion[/b], and the [b]Man-Wolves[/b] to come to him, killing the [b]Sturdy Sentry[/b] in their way. 4. Izayoi attempts to dodge the strikes made by Jacques, however won't risk getting grounded to do so.