[hider=Kariya Shinji] [hider=Appearance:] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/cb8d/f/2016/010/4/f/okita_sougo_by_juupion-d9njf2f.png[/img] [/hider] Name: Kariya Shinji Age: 60 Personality: Kariya is a happy-go-lucky person, he doesn’t have many worries apart from training and becoming stronger. He took the 9th division super-lieutenant as a role model after getting his life saved by her as a child, so he has strived to become a superhero like her, helping those who need help without hesitating and making flashy poses when fighting. He is quite hot-headed so he has a tendency to punch first and ask questions later as well as getting excited over the simplest things. Backstory: Kariya came to Soul Society at a young age and was assigned to the latter districts in Rukongai, which weren't a nice place to live, even more so for a child. Still, Kariya managed to get by day to day with tons of luck and determination. Even in the difficult conditions, he lived he managed to retain his carefree attitude, which put him at odds with some of the other kids and caused them to exclude him. While his life definitely wasn't perfect he quite enjoyed it and continued to live without much concern, with something like becoming a shinigami never crossing his mind. But things can't remain static forever and one day a group of hollows managed to sneak into Rukogai and started rampaging across the district. Acquaintances and friends he had made where being devoured as everything descended into chaos, but Kariya couldn't just try to escape and leave everything. Grabbing a piece of wood he rushed against a hollow, to at least try to divert its attention from those who were trying to escape. Naturally, the stick didn't do anything to a hollow except making it angry, and the hollow retailed by launching him into a wall with enough force to break both the wall and a couple of his bones. At least his plan of diverting its attention worked as it and other hollows slowly approached the incapacitated Kariya, who after realizing he could not move without feeling great pain resigned to being eaten by the hollow. Before he was turned into hollow-food a figure came from above and with a swift kick, managed to destroy those hollows as if they were made of out paper. Kariya was left speechless, he was surprised someone could be so strong. While the closest thing to a conversation he had with the shinigami was them making a peace sign before leaping off, presumably to finish off the other hollows Kariya would have their encounter burned on his mind. Once the situation calmed down, he heard that the shinigami that saved him belonged to the 9th division, who were investigating some reports of hollows around the area before the incident occurred. Being so close to death made him think that he couldn't continue his carefree life, he had to get stronger to be able to protect those weren't strong, just like that shinigami had done for him. He joined the Shinigami academy not long after and apparently was considered a genius in hakudo, something he was surprised since he had never had someone to teach him. Strengths: Hakudo: Though what Kariya knew of hakudo was mostly self-taught before he joined into the academy, he was able to mop up the floor with most of his seniors and was considered a genius in the matter of Hakudo. Kariya likes using kicks when fighting, being capable of destroying a normal hollow in one kick, but he's still proficient on other styles of melee. Hoho: Being already faster than the average shinigami, Kariya excelled in using shunpo, being capable of using it for extended periods of time, even if his speed still is considerably slow compared to the masters of it. Weaknesses: Zanjutsu: Due to the abilities of his Zanpakuto, Kariya has preferred to not too rely on it too much and as such he isn’t very good at sword fighting and doesn’t have too much experience using his Zanpakuto Shikai: When using his shikai Kariya has zero control on which part of his body he will lose function of and won’t recover it until his Zanpakuto decides the battle is over. Poor Reiatsu Control: Kariya never really got the hang of controlling his reiatsu while at the academy, which makes stealth missions a bit difficult for him given that most can sense his reiatsu from a mile away. Zanpakuto [hider=Sealed Appearance: ] [img]https://www.awma.com/images/1785-6.png[/img] [/hider] Name: Kōmei [hider=Zanpakuto Spirit Appearance: ] [img]https://i.imgur.com/csuyWxq.jpg[/img] [/hider] Release Command: Sacrifice [hider=Shikai Appearance: ] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/18/Pata-1-Archit-Patel.jpg/1200px-Pata-1-Archit-Patel.jpg[/img] [/hider] Shikai Ability: A strange and bothersome ability in the words of Kariya. When he releases Kōmei, it won’t turn back till she thinks the battle is finished and won’t come out unless she sees that a battle is happening. It's ability lets Kariya gain a boost in his reiatsu or his physical prowess, but it takes one bodily function in return. Unlike what kind of boost he gains, Kariya has zero control over what part of his body he's going to lose, that being decided by the whims of his Zanpakuto. The price for the boost can range from not being able to move a finger, one of his arms, the lower half of his body or one of his five senses. Kariya can use this ability multiple times, but prefers not to use it too much, or at all since he can’t predict how he will be affected. After Kōmei considers that the battle is over, Kariya regains all the body functions he lost and loses whatever boost he had gained. Techniques: [/hider]