[color=8dc73f][b]Hazama, Harumi[/b][/color][hr] Once again, she was in the undeveloped part of the district. It wasn't a place she went to without reason, and while she was very sure she can outrun most Skillouts, Harumi can't help but still feel rather apprehensive every time she was here. As expected the same group of Skillouts was still there in the unused warehouse. One of them started before recognizing her as Harumi came closer. "Oh? Ain't it the little investigator?" A large man pushed himself off a table slightly, enough to get a look at her without leaving his card game. "Need something?" [color=8dc73f]"I'm scared."[/color] She spoke suddenly. [color=8dc73f]"I need something to protect myself with, Gruber."[/color] There must have been a change in her expression as she said that, as the man's expression hardened. Sighing, he stood up, his expression unreadable as he leaned closer to her. "Oh? What happened?" [color=8dc73f]"I'm afraid of the high levels."[/color] Harumi started. [color=8dc73f]"There have been a rise in the case of them bullying lo-"[/color] "I'm not interested in your 'stories'." Gruber cut her short, staring her right in the eye. "Again, what happened? You, of all people, wouldn't resort to this at the mere mention of high levels bullying the weak." Closing her eyes for a moment, Harumi weighted her options. Without a doubt, telling them what she knew might lead to her story having less impact when rumours inevitably circulate, or worse, stolen from under her nose, but there was no real reason for her to keep it from these guys as well. Rumours coming from Skillouts wouldn't be have much credibility behind them to the average person in Academy City after all. Also, what did he mean by 'you of all people'? She did break into some places and got in trouble for it, and she did try to masquerade as a student in Tokiwadai to flush out that level 5's secrets but she wasn't some sort of delinquent. [color=8dc73f]"Very well. The truth it is."[/color] Harumi met his gaze. [color=8dc73f]"I've witnessed a murder, and I'm afraid they may come after me next."[/color] [center]***[/center] Harumi walked out of that place, trying hard not to look suspicious, handling her bag like it had a bomb in it. It was fortunate that they only asked her to tell them everything she has on the incident. Perhaps Gruber felt it would threaten the people who did not have powers of their own? No matter his reason, at least her money was safe; she was prepared to spend it all for something to help her defend herself. Harumi suspected the fact she wasn't one of those people with higher levels also played a part. What she did not expect, however, for them to give her a revolver with the serial numbers filed off, as well as a box of ammo. He did mention that people were still people even with all their abilities, and no one could outrun a bullet. Though when she asked about those few who could render guns useless, he just shrugged and said "Then you're already dead if any people of that caliber targets you."