[@Dynamo Frokane] [quote] But don't expect me to nod along happily when you defend them. I have to draw the line somewhere. [/quote] Now [i]that[/i] I can respect, that you take personal issue with them and have drawn your own line. I certainly do not expect you to nod along, that was never a concern or issue, rather that I would not be somehow lumped into them for simply stating they are not all one in the same. So long as we can recognize the issue wasn't advocacy versus accuracy; I might not agree with these organizations, but political and character assassination is even worse when they have debatably done very little. They were made guilty by association, which I take issue with for myself. That laid out in full, I would disagree one really "is" what they say or think they are without practicing what they preach, even if only to themselves in their own mind, but I would dare say that isn't so much a political discussion anymore.