[center][color=red][h1]Shade[/h1][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/MT7dudz.jpg[/img] [color=red]"How rude! Just when I was getting into it."[/color] [/center] Given the rather rude interruption of her bow, Shade would have to admit that not everybody here wanted an encore. If she had cared what these mindless, faceless beasts wanted, then she might have felt the least bit offended at their incredibly bad taste in music. But the truth was, she couldn't care less about what her prey desired. Only that it die like it was supposed to. That said, it would be rather difficult to kill these things if they killed her first. She should probably find a way to escape from this weird tongue-reel. Shade was not actually a brute. It would be nice if she could simply pick up this huge monster and throw it. But such strength escaped her. She also did not currently have access to her dagger and so could not easily cut the tongue. Even though she had only just stopped using it, she already missed her trusty blade. Of course, if someone like her was too reliant on one thing, that was bad. She had to be able to adapt. And it wasn't like she hadn't ever been in a situation where she only had use of her fists, too. Not that she wanted to think about the situations that she was in when she was weaponless before. [color=red]"Watch where you're putting that tongue, you creep!"[/color] she was in a rather awkward situation. Attempting to jump would only lead to her landing in the void that was that creature's mouth much quicker. That was most likely a very bad thing. The longer she was constrained by the beast, the weaker she felt. What a horrendous thing. Her performance was perhaps a bit too flamboyant, she should watch that in the future, assuming there was one for her. [color=red]"If I could have some assistance with the tongue, I'd certainly think about giving an autograph, eheh~!"[/color] Currently, Shade was attempting to separate herself from this beast by slamming down on the tongue with all her might. She wasn't sure if it'd work, but that was the best she could manage currently.