Lui groaned again as she got back on her feet and turned around. She'd fallen out of the cart she was riding in and her face was now covered in mud. "This is what I get for trying to take a nap, huh?" she said to nobody in particular as she rubbed the mud out of her face and picked up her Magelight. "Well, the town can't be far anymore now, can it? Might as well walk." Turning around, Lui finds herself within sight of the city walls. "...right, so I really was close. Perfect timing to fall off, me." She complains, as she heads towards the town gate. There stood two guards, in the process of inspecting the cart in which she had taken a ride. "Good afternoon guys, mind if I enter?" Lui said, grinning. She tried her best to sound like a boy, it made people less likely to ask her annoying questions. "What's your business here, sir?" One of the guards asked her, leaving the other to finish with the cart. Lui sighed in relief as her plan apparently succeeded. "I'm meeting up with an old pal of mine, we last saw eachother in school years ago and moved apart and stuff so now we decided to meet up again." Lui said, hoisting her Magelight onto her shoulder again. "So, how 'bout it?" "...right. And why are you carrying a lantern? Are you planning to set things on fire?" The guard asks, suspicious of Lui's behaviour. "Ah, don't worry. I only carry it around so I can see where I'm going at night. I'm a traveller you see." Lui responded. It wasn't exactly a lie either, that was one of the things she used her Magelight for. "...very well. Don't cause any trouble or we'll use you as a light to ward off criminals." The guard said, sighing as he let Lui pass into the city. "Much appreciated, have a splendid day." Lui said, grinning as she enters the town only to be interrupted by her growling stomach. [i]Guess I need to go eat something, huh? I could go and eat some of my own food, or...[/i] Lui opens her bookbag, and pulls out a small purse. In it are several coins. Smiling, she puts the purse back and looks around. [i]Or I could buy something to eat. That sounds much, much better.[/i] And so, Lui started wandering down the streets, searching for a Tavern to eat at. [i]Why are there so many buildings around here anyway? Can't they just build really tall buildings instead? That'd take up less space...[/i] Eventually though, her search paid off, as she found a tavern. Cautiously, she steps inside and looks around, only for the barkeeper to shout at her. "Oi! No fire in here!" The barkeep yelled, sounding rather annoyed. "Sorry!" Lui yelped, quickly heading back outside to extinguish her lantern before heading back in and taking a good look around. Instantly her attention was drawn to a man wearing strange gauntlets. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she felt uneasy at the sight of them. Then, she spotted something more interesting; a Myti. [i]KITTY![/i] Barely managing to stop herself from yelling that out loud, Lui manages to calm down and heads to the counter. "Hey, barkeep, sorry about earlier. Can I have some food?" Lui asks, placing some coins on the counter. The barkeep simply glares at her. "What'll it be?" He said, sounding rather annoyed. Apparently he was in a foul mood. "Ehm... nevermind, do you have a glass of water instead? No wait, something else instead, as long as it isn't alcoholic please." Lui asks sheepishly, glancing back at the Myti. His ear seemed damaged, how sad. "Sure. I think I have something." The barkeeper responds, filling a glass with milk and handing it to Lui, who smiles and pays him before heading over to sit with the Myti, only noticing the other person there after she already sat down. "A-ah! Greetings. Mind if I sit here with you?" Lui says, blushing. "I-if you don't want me here I'll go away..."