Eventually, the large colony ship finally made its way down to the specified landing site, and the people rushed out in a frenzy like it was Black Friday, but in reverse as they were dumping all of their supplies in designated plots, followed by construction bots rapidly building their new residences. The shadow was looking out the window onto the scene below, sipping from a mug of coffee. He was already organizing a grand plan. After the housing was built, factories, plantations and mines would be set up in the surrounding areas. Preliminary scans of the surrounding area proved that the specific site on the planet was loaded with minerals and metals, crucial to the development of the area. As the advisors were filing back into the meeting room, he turned around and looked to them for the progress report. A new businessman went first. "The economic projections are bright, boss. All is according to schedule, and we will be turning a profit very soon." After the shadow nodded the businessman returned to his seat. The next person, a scientist and a mage, was brought to his attention. "I have detected evidence of other interdimensional powers that may interfere with our plans. I'm not sure we should proceed with this endeavor, especially if they prove hostile." The original businessman piped out "I knew we should have sent the armada..." While the shadow seethed at the insubordination of the original businessman, he waved the magic/scientific advisor's concerns away, and glared at the rest of the advisors, as if daring them to make another comment. Then a military lieutenant nervously stood to attention. "Sir, the envoys are ready to make contact with the other nations." The shadow, visibly calming down, spoke for the first time since they landed. "Good, send them on my command. They are adequately packed with goods, correct?" The lieutenant announced "Yes, of course, sir." He swiftly marched out of the room and barked at nearby aides to get it done. He then continued with his lecture. "As I was saying beforehand, once we send our diplomatic envoys and set up a local industry, it is in our best interests to initiate trade with the lesser powers peacefully. In the meantime, we should build up our military defenses, make sure that the other interdimensional powers don't mess with us. Any more questions?" As the shadow darkly stared into the souls of the advisors, they were cowed enough to not argue any further. After the moment had passed he had returned to his normal self, clapping his hands. "Good! Meeting adjourned." The advisors all got down on a knee and put both clenched fists above their heads, pointing to the shadow. In unison, they bellowed "Glory to Shupoli!" They proceeded to march out of the room, with the shadow following quickly after, grinning. Once he had returned to his office, he gave the order to launch the diplomatic and trade envoys. Great, lumbering treasure airships, loaded with manufactured goods, soared toward the other powers, with peaceful intentions but also shielded to protect from danger.