One couldn't say that An-Hasst cared mugh about anyone being ticklish. After all he was not so much and there were higher priorites, like, for example, making sure that noone would be able of surprising them with armed aggression. [color=yellow]"Alright, she's clean."[/color] was his primary comment on the situation after he had let go of her clothing. If anyone thought that the Skayleigh was actually interested in any human female's curvy properties he'd probably find out why his own body was so... curvy. By brute force. Luckily this had not taken place at least until An-Hasst had found his way back towards the other side of the river. It seemed like the usual 'we're going to tell every friggin' stranger about our quest even if it means that we'll be stuck even longer in an underground, drow-infested network' issue -- thanks to Geradin's rapid intervention -- was merely on the verge of occurring again and surprisingly so even not due to the small cleric man. In other words there wasn't much that still caught his interest compared to his greed for food. As the Skayleigh was rampaging through the more or less unorganized contents of his bags one of his ears was still listening to his surroundings, capable of picking up Ursaren's question. [color=yellow]"I don't. However I guess that the fungi's name is rather irrelevant when it comes to the question if it is permitted to take a sample. Is it safe to transport or can it leak any substances that will diffuse through sturdy leather and contaminate your or any other's food supplies ?"[/color] [@Stormflyx][@Gardevoiran][@POOHEAD189][@The Fated Fallen][@BCTheEntity][@Mortarion]