[hr][hr][center][h1][color=662d91]Alexander Polawski[/color][/h1] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/--ajfUwE6Xck/UgACmdSNkgI/AAAAAAAAAlI/KE4-NTjPy2Q/s1600/de+niro.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][b][color=662d91]Location:[/color][/b] Outside Eden, 15 [color=662d91]Skills:[/color]Axe fighting[/center][hr][hr] Alexander wasn't sure whether to laugh or worry when he actually saw what Thalia. She sat on the ground as if she'd atempted to climb the wall and promptly fallen down. At least he thought so, perhaps only because of the look she gave him. Yup, that was the same type of look she'd given him several times that day already, and he could only assume it meant something serious like she was going to kill him or he should shut up with his asocial comment. For now Alexander went for both, before remembering something very important. There was a walker right on his tail. The Vet turned around and saw the shambling corpse get closer to him. Within the short amount of time he had left to think, he saw two options: 1) Try to get past the wall and continue the mission but run the risk of getting his ancles bitten like some Irish beer or Norwegian viking, or 2) Take out the walker now and deal with the wall later. The second option became the plan as soon as the walker got within grabbing distance, as Alexander tried to push it back using the shaft of his fire axe. Normally that was a good idea, except that Alexander simply pushed the walker into a tree just behind it, which meant the walker was soon right back at trying to grab the old Vet, and he himself was at the risk of falling over something. With both his hands at each end of the axe, he held the shaft against the walkers arms, keeping it from grabbing it. Barely. Alexander kept quiet as best he could as he held back the walker, but mentally he just kept repeating the same word over and over again; [color=662d91]"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!"[/color] If he kept going like this, he would more and more time he didn't have. He had to act now, or else... Moving swiftly - for an old man - Alexander pushed the walker back one last time and pull back his axe from it, before raising it high up in front of the walker. And then he let it fall down, hard. It was not a pretty sound to hear, and certainly not a pretty one to behold. The axe cleaved its way into the walkers skull just above the left eye, nearly popping the eyeball. But more importantly, its arms stopped their clinging assault towards him, slumping to the ground with the axe still stuck in its head. But it was dead...as dead as the undead could be. Alexander stood over the body for a few moments, his chest heaving with every breath he made. This was the closest he had been to death in a long time. But for now, he was alive, and needed to get going. Still holding the axe tight, he put his boot against the head of the walker and pulled the axe out. He had to find Thalia again, because when he turned around, she was gone. And there was only one option that seemed sensible then; the other side of the wall.