Dannisus' ears flapped happily when he wasn't scolded or ignored. He didn't know much about elves, nor had he visited any of the Elven settlements in Akripola, but this one seemed nice, and perceptive as well! They caught on to the fact that he wasn't one to make a whole lot of noise pretty quickly, even though that wasn't all to difficult to discern about a skittish Myti. Dannisus thought higher of it anyways, thinking back to what his mother used to tell him about elven lore. Well, what little of it he could remember, but was immediately distracted by Aelih's ears. They reminded of his own- Minus the fur. Pointy! Even the elf's body looked similar in structure to his kin's, albeit much taller, and [i]lankier.[/i] He caught himself staring, and nodded, picking up his little booklet in a hurry. Before he could say anything though, a girl approached their table. The hair on his tail prickled outwards for a moment, and he turned to look at her. Aelih seemed fine with the girl, and he had no reason to object either, so it was decided! "I'm fine with it as well," he added, gesturing to one of the empty seats "please feel free to take a seat." He paused for a minute, still perturbed by the sudden influx of visitors. For the first time in a while, he seemed awfully popular. He couldn't remember the last time people were this eager to- "Aa-" Dannisus let out a small mewl on reflex, but cleared his throat and smiled, adjusting himself in his seat. Of course he remembered! It happened less than a year ago, where a few nice young humans approached him with a happy invitation- Something that quickly turned into an unsavory ambush. Were these people trying to skin him alive? He looked them over quickly. They seemed nice enough, and smelled like... Huh? His nose twitched and he looked over to Lui again. Then it hit him. He was acting [i]really weird[/i] right now. "Ah! Um... My name is Dani!" He blurted, moving his eyes between the two awkwardly. "Forgive my quirks. I'm not used to having people approach me so casually." He looked a lui again, scanning her face with his eyes. "There [i]aren't many[/i] willing to talk to Myti outside of the forest. Not unless they want them in a cage..." He breathed a giggle nervously and tapped his booklet against the tabletop. You'd think that 5 years outside of Sylsashia would have made him well versed in the art of conversation. It did not.