I hope it's not too late to express my interest, I've been busy the past few days and didn't have a chance to provide a post. Even though I'm pretty sure you've already got a good idea for the campaign from those who have already posted their interest, I figure it wouldn't hurt to throw in my two cents as well. a) 40% b) 50% c) 10% I enjoy exploration a lot as a roleplaying element, and think it can really help to immerse myself into the world. It can also help to, in my opinion, make a campaign feel less static. I also like fighting monsters, which is par for the course for most roleplaying adventures, though I prefer exploration if only slightly more. Of the three, the one I dislike the most is solving complex puzzles, especially ones with obtuse or otherwise unclear answers. Puzzles can especially bring things to a screeching halt if the answer is too obscure and the provided hints are out of the scope of the player's consideration. One element that would be interesting would be elements that tie into character backstories and that present dilemmas. Scenarios that also help to encourage character development are pretty intriguing to me as well. I feel like whenever a player's backstory is brought up in-universe, it helps to both show that time in the world is passing and that there are other events that are happening and decisions being made that the players may not be aware of. It also seems neat because it makes it feel as if though the characters are people who have some form of status, whether it be something as minor as somebody's family member or a wanted fugitive, they have a place in that world as a person, rather than a paper cut-out that can be easily replaced with another. As for pantheons, I don't really have a preference between original and pre-existing ones. If there is already a method established as to how our characters know each other, then I'm cool with that as well, but if not, I think we could have heard of each other through word of mouth. Perhaps there's a common contact that has met all of our characters, though they haven't had all of the members of the group meet prior, only in occasional groups, if that makes any sense. The character that I plan on playing would likely be some sort of elven sorcerer/fighter hybrid, though which bloodline I plan to choose eludes me as of right now, as does whether or not he was/is a fighter. I imagine his past had him living in Sceirby under a potentially prominent family, until he committed a crime or some other act that put him in bad graces with the family, and as a result he has sought a new life elsewhere. I also imagine that, somehow, his bloodline would have been the result of his exile; perhaps he had used it wrongly, or perhaps the bloodline itself is too volatile for the family's tastes. His search for a place to settle has brought him to Combedean, though it is unknown whether or not that will be a suitable place for the estranged elven sorcerer to (eventually) settle down.