"Once we are in Vile's realm, it will be a battle to escort the Axe-bearer to Vile. Difficult, certainly, but not a complex plan." Meesei answered. She was finding the Orc's attitude to be refreshing. He seemed content getting straight to the point and addressing the important subjects. The meeting could be over quicker than Meesei was expecting. "Indeed, there is a limit to how much planning we can make. We have no real ability to scout the battlefield beforehand, since that battlefield is in another plane of existence. At least, we will not be able to know the [i]exact[/i] terrain or other obstacles before we enter his realm. Skilled conjurers can survey his realm in a more abstract sense, but only to determine the location of sources of magical power. Namely, Vile himself. They will be able to sense where he is when we create the portal, but unfortunately, we will not be able to open the portal too close to him. His immense power would prevent us from breaching into his realm at all. But, they will be able to get us as close as they can. When we attack, we will know exactly where Vile is, but for anything beyond that, we will have to be adaptable. He will likely be caught off-guard by the surprise attack, but he will send every Daedra he can after us. I would say that the best way for us to prepare would be to plan how to best make use of our forces' strengths, and how to cover for each others' weaknesses. And of course, to train and arm our soldiers [i]specifically[/i] to fight Daedra." [hr] Kaleeth was alone heading into the dining hall, as it was Janius' turn to feed Leaps his breakfast. Julan had joined him, likely just to have an excuse to play with him for a while. For Kaleeth, she had ended up somewhat gorging herself at the feast the previous night; her beast spirit was not one to encourage anything approaching moderation in her. It had not helped that she seemed to find the dragon flesh much more appealing than most of the others. Needless to say, she was only feeling in the mood for a light breakfast. Kaleeth was momentarily surprised upon being stopped, which soon turned to a smile once she realized that it was Rhazii. She could not remember the last time that Rhazii had pulled her aside for something, so he certainly had her curiosity. "Oh, of course, Rhazii. Is there something you need me for?"