With all foes and valuables, or at least what he considered as such, being accounted for, Ulor hobbled back through the subterranean passages without, it seemed, a care in the visible world. This was not to say that he appeared to be without a care at all, for his distractedly frowning expression was proof enough that something was brewing between his head and that of the octopus. Indeed, at one point he almost slipped over the remains of the gelatinous ooze, and only a rapid thrust of the staff allowed him to regain his balance to the benefit of what remained of the tiefling and her hungry captor. His expression seemed to brighten ever so slightly in the cathedral proper, as he glanced at various details he could, for all he remembered, have overlooked before. And still, his visage was ready to change to one of puzzlement once the party stepped outside to be confronted by the guards. While he did not deign the latter with more than a single look, despite the apparent insistence of the hovering octopus that he at least take stock of their weapons, his perplexity had found its focus on the manacled and humbled Lex. When the latter spoke, the mage went so far as to scratch his head with an utterly lost look on his face. He did not pride himself of being finely knowledgeable of matters of the mind, but had someone placed an enchantment while he was not looking? [i]Then again, he is a paladin, he obeys the law...[/i] Ulor returned his attention on what was effectively happening just in time to hear the final segment of the guard-captain's speech. Were they to be bound as well now? Well, it had never happened to him in Bourgund, of all places. "If you must." he rasped, without, however, making any motion to ease his manacling should the officer have proceeded with it. Instead, he twirled his hands in some bizarre fashion, whereupon fluid bolts of pale-green lightning danced around his wrists for a moment, as a low crackling sound reverberated through the air, followed by a slight, yet unpleasant stench of dust and brimstone. "For all it makes you feel safer." [hider=Back to parlour tricks] It's been a while since Ulor used his [i]Silent Image[/i] and [i]Prestidigitation[/i] for general mischief. [/hider]