[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24]Update[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr][hr] Please remember to update your locations in your header with roads and such. (Remember heading to, on the way to, etc general locations are NOT accepted. I need information in your headers to keep the maps updated as quickly as possible.) [hider=Attack on Eden] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/kdrEKn/Edenupclose.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Hordebuster Heroes] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/nxWs5S/NAR.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Dynamic Duo] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/kB2zkS/TJ.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Fuckery is Afoot Trio] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/i7oGX7/RAS.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] Newnan Folk - Do me a favor and get to the end of your maps as quickly as you can. You don't need rolls from me currently unless you are wanting something special, something outside of the box, etc. So you should be able to knock this out without issue. Make sure to refer to the maps for placement of ice and walkers. (If you go passed a walker without word in your post, LLA will bite you in the ass. >.>) - let me know via tag in chat when everyone in your group is at the end of your current map. (We will be getting new maps as soon as you do.) Eden folk - there are yellow dots on your map now - those are Eden asshats - they will be tougher to kill and will require a roll if you come up to one. Just drop me a line real fast saying you want a fight roll. It will be quick and easy. [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=Silver]Eden[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]https://image.ibb.co/eBiCJS/toodles.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=white]Location:[/color][/b] Eden: [color=0072bc][/color], [color=598527]Tank on Bridge Road[/color], [color=f26522]Behind the Tank on Bridge Road[/color] [b][color=white]Skills:[/color][/b] [color=0072bc]Survival[/color], [color=598527]Tank Operations, Land Navigation[/color], [color=f26522]Hunting, Rifle, Sniper Rifle[/color][/center][hr] Thana knelt down and ducked under the shrubbery, looking out towards the main building. It seemed that Lola had made herself known. At least she knew that one of the trio of the splinter group was still alive. Granted if Lola was alive there was a decent chance in her mind that Beatrice and Gavin were still kicking. Things had been pretty quiet until that point but now she heard the sounds of gun firing out. It was amazing just how far and clear noises traveled now adays. Before the breakout, before the world had gotten turned on its side, it was hard to hear anything that wasn't close to you. The background noises most didn't pay attention to really did cause a lot of noise pollution. Cars and trucks on the highway. Airplanes over head. Just the gentle hum of electricity could cut down on a lot of just general nature sounds and drown out water running. That wasn't exactly an issue right now. Everything was pretty simple to be heard. Lola of course couldn't hear shit in the tank besides the tank and Beatrice. [color=598527]"Aces mate, I like the way you think,"[/color] she laughed as Beatrice mentioned they were just wasting bullets on the tank. Driving the tank forward she kept it at a slower pace. She had spotted Gavin coming up to the side of the tank and then falling back as she drove through the blown open hole in the wall. She figured instead of gunning it, it would be better to keep a slower pace he could keep up with on foot. At least then he had some cover. Gavin was glad she did. It made it easier for him to slip up behind the tank and do just that. Using the monster of machinery as cover as he took aim. He didn't kill anyone yet. Not being able to get a clear shot. Yet it was good to keep an eye open. Mostly just to try to see if he could see any of the others. He knew Lola and Beatrice were safe in the tank for now. But Thana, Thalia, and Alex were another story. He didn't know where they were. Taking a breath Thana was about to dash out from under the brush but she ended up holding position as she spotted a few starting to pour out of the Eden main house. Seemed their attention was gotten that was for sure. This was going to get interesting really fast. She wanted to charge but something in her told her to hold her position. Turning around she glanced behind her. She would wait another few before she made a move. Just in case Thalia or Alex caught up with her. It seemed clear behind her from what she could see but for all she knew someone was hiding in the bushes just out of sight like she was. [color=598527]"Wonder if the other mates have made it passed the wall,"[/color] Lola wondered out loud as she leaned back in her seat and pulled out some lip gloss. splashing it across her lips and puckering up. Just because she was in the middle of war she really had no stake in, didn't mean a girl should let her lip stick be all faded and smudged. Lola was just like that, granted it wasn't all just because she was as weird as they came. Part of it was a distraction so her mind didn't ponder if Thalia had bit the big one because that would really suck to lose her tank mate. Gavin grinned as he spotted in the woods Thalia. At least one had made it over the wall. It gave him hope that Strawberry had made it over as well. He couldn't find her yet but seeing one was better than seeing none. No, Strawberry was fine. She was military. This was war. She could handle this. She had survived this long, he knew she would survive today. There was no way in hell that god was going to bring the Texan back to his angel and then take her away. Nope, baby Jesus was going to be good to them today. He just knew it.