[center][h2][color=lightcoral]Lance Grimes[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Lance unfazed, was thinking of something the question right on his tongue. What was I thinking about, Lance wondered.[color=lightcoral]"Oh, right have you ever Killed a child before"[/color]? he asked calmly while standing up, he then got his gun and said"[color=lightcoral]If not then it's really difficult, not killing them but getting close to them, cause they always have an adult with them but luckily for me the woman that was with the child was weak and slow so my katana could her in one swift and brutal strike."[/color] He then started to smile as he continued his disturbing monologue,[color=lightcoral]But the kid got away"[/color] He mused,[color=lightcoral]" I usually kill for sport, but they had some supplies on them so that's a plus"[/color] He added He put his gun in his holster, and then put his katana in his backpack. He put his backpack on his back, and finally, he put his mask back on. He then said[color=lightcoral]"I'm ready so let's get out of here"[/color]