Dancia was quiet during most of the journey, having decided to go a little bit ahead of the group to scout and thus missing most of the conversations. By the time she returned they were already in the middle of a discussion that Dancia didn’t wish to interrupt with her inane commentary. Suited her just fine: better that they don’t get too attached and only watch her when needed. Frankly Dancia wasn’t too confident with this group either and was only part of with out of her own self interest. This talk of Archanea made Dancia wonder about what contacts she had there. A few fellow performers and three inn keepers she’s in good favor with. No enemies as far as she could remember. Perhaps not the grand tide changing allies the others are hopeful for, but if they need safety among commoners perhaps they’ll be helpful. Though that made Dancia wonder about something else. “How dangerous will it be in Archanea, you think?”