"Yes, here I am." She whipped up a harp, plucking out a quick little prelude. "I'm sure your support magic will be a great boon. Support magic is not a common thing, but it is valuable, isn't it? Empowering your allies is a good strategy. And since when do these things ever go smoothly?"" "It seems were both here for someone else. I've come along with Karn and... Karn. Seeking ancient secrets or some other solution to their unique problem. Two souls, bound now in one body." She sighed, her shoulders sagging just a little. "I feel like I haven't been much help at all, really. Though, I did help you just a little, now didn't I? How are you feeling, much better? I trust you've recovered fully, if you're going on this potentially dangerous mission?" She remembered him looking pretty bad when she found him.