"Whoa!" Prompto staggered back, startled by the size of Deadeye. They were given an accurate description of the beast, but to see him in person was a shock. Impulsively, he moved his hand back to retrieve his weapon, but Ignis intervened. Acting immediately, Ignis had grabbed the blond by the arm and ushered the others behind the nearest rock. Deadeye continued toward, oblivious to the group of hunters tracking him. The sound of his heavy footsteps shook the earth beneath their feet. "Not yet," Ignis explained, his voice low. He peered around the rock, then waved for the others to follow. They weren't in the right position to fight, so they continued onward. Prompto found himself at the end of the line, but he didn't mind. Being in the back allowed him to keep an eye on the others, particularly Sarah, who he couldn't help but worry about. The female showed promise during shooting practice, but that was with empty cans. Taking down Deadeye would prove difficult for even the most skilled hunters. Up ahead, Noctis and Gladiolus compared battle plans. Thanks to Ignis, they had a general idea of what they would do, but that didn't stop them from coming up with additional ideas. Prompto could hear bits of conversation, but he offered nothing of his own. He was too busy worrying. "S-so...what eye am I aiming for again?" Prompto ducked to avoid an overhead branch. The further into the lair they traveled, the thicker the foliage became. Deadeye had flattened a considerable amount of plant life, and his tracks left a visible, indented path. "The right," Ignis responded, his tone calm. He was in the middle of the group, eyes ever watchful. "Don't trip. The ground is rather uneven." Too late. Prompto tripped. Instinctively, the blond reached to stabilize himself before he hit the ground. Unfortunately, Sarah was closest, so he toppled into her, who -- unless she was able to keep upright -- would topple into Ignis, who would crash into Gladiolus, who would ultimately crash into Noctis in a domino-like effect.