[center][img] https://s31.postimg.cc/psl5wr1fv/Lucille_s_War_Vector.png[/img][/center] It was typical of Hell to have problems arise; problems caused not just by the eternal war above but through the usual happenings of daily life. By all means, the denizens of Hell were free to do as they please. In fact, King Rufus even encouraged the chaos that festered around his petty kingdom. But such a petty rule reflected in petty action and he always frowned on those he deemed to be, “trying too hard”. The Crawling Chaos was rather blatant in his desires that no one cause a louder boom than him. So it was no real surprise when news of mass consumption had reached the Throne Room and its occupants’ ears. Nor was it a wonder for Rufus to kick out someone to deal with the uppity demon in [i]his[/i] Hell. Still, it was fine. It was all fine, because [url=https://s31.postimg.org/58gbyeyl7/0e5e6069f40376031a0a2eea177ca166.png]Lucille[/url] of Team RILD was more than happy to endorse her share of bloodshed for the day. Those who were smart knew to stay out of her way and those who weren’t were inclined to test the Black Goat’s patience in these matters. Down, down she descended, until the monstrous woman made her way to the scene of the crime. Demonic corpses dotted the area surrounding one of Hell’s local bars and she sighed at the pathetic sight. The rest of RILD was not going to hear the end of Rufus’ complaints and she intended to make the one responsible for her future ear aches suffer greatly. It didn’t take her very long to find the culprit, the consumer being sloppy in her wake. A mere glance at this lizard thing confirmed it was a child in the presence of the Nexus. But even children needed to be punished and Lucille eyed the reckless demon with ever more annoyance. [color=39b54a]“If you really were that hungry, you should have come to the Throne Room. I’m sure there’s plenty of King Rufus for you to choke on,”[/color] she mused to Xirphi, twirling her parasol in one hand lazily. [color=39b54a]“I don’t particularly care what excuse you give me, nor do I care to know your name. The fact of the matter is, I want something to bleed and you’ve just so happened to grate our little tyrant of a king.”[/color] The Black Goat eyed down the lizard-like demon, hardly moved by the rise in power each soul gave to her. That was because, for perhaps the first time in her life, Xirphi’s hunger was gone. Erased. Cut off. Whatever Xirphi would have liked, she no longer felt hunger and was, in basic comprehension, full. Such an unnatural phenomenon seemed to be oozing from Lucille’s presence…