[center][h1][color=bc8dbf]....[/color][/h1][/center] The Myti's reaction to Fauve's outburst played on her thoughts. It wasn't that it made her angry at all, it was just kind of irritating to let the cat think, or anyone for that matter, that they could get away with being supercilious towards her. To rid the irritation from her system she twisted back in her seat with a delayed response, and yelled at him; "Settle down, you big pussy!" Fauve had to hand it to the Gabriel, though, he wasn’t the sensitive Orchid Child she had first taken him for. He didn’t care at all for the insult she slung at him. Regardless, he still seemed to have a knack for annoying her. His cordial demeanor and unctuous manner of speech made her want to punch him in the face. Jack, on the other hand, still hadn’t managed to piss her off. Most people would have at this point. “Well, you hit the nail on the head right there.” She said, in response to Jack’s comment about not wanting to hear a stranger’s history. When Jack’s attention diverted to the Ipotane that walked into the tavern, she eased back in her chair and kicked one leg up discourteously on the table. “And how about you,” She said to Gabriel, and wagged her foot to and fro in his face. “Something tells me you’re just dying to tell us a little about your fine self.” The barkeeper turned up at their table, delivering a new round of drinks to Gabriel and herself. “Thanks, Tubby, this round is on me!” She told him, and flipped a few coins carelessly in his direction. While the barkeeper scrambled to collect a couple of said coins from the floor, she took her own moonshine in one hand and commenced to her badgering of Gabriel. “So how about it, Tender Love, any stories about your secret life of crossdressing?” She took a swallow of her beverage and gave him an exaggerated wink. [center][h1][color=bc8dbf]....[/color][/h1][/center]