Frankie said nothing as he took the shovel from Shepard's hands and helped the man dig the grave of his son. There was nothing to be said that the man didn't already know, or doubtlessly cared little about. So, the massive super mutant merely took the shovel, looking much smaller in his hands, and started digging where the caravan driver started. He didn't know how far the man wanted to dig a grave or how long they had to dig, but he moved as quickly as he could. The boy deserved a proper burial at the very least. If they couldn't avenge his death they could at least ensure that he remained at rest for eternity, with no grave robbers or scavengers picking at his bones. Frankie slowed as he noticed the old man slowing down, his energy and will presumably running out. The super mutant's interest piqued as Shepard's shovel hit metal. It practically skyrocketed as the chest was revealed to be from Vault 76. [color=palegreen][i]The Silverfish! A chance to learn more about them, perhaps before they even became what they are today![/i][/color] He barely registered what Franz was saying, but nodded in agreement. This was too good of an opportunity to waste, even if they were motivated by two entirely different reasons for wanting to open the chest. [color=palegreen]"I agree with Franz. We can't let an opportunity like this go past. Think of what we could learn from this if it possesses the right things inside! I'll open it a distance away from the caravan. If it is trapped, poisoned, cursed, or whatever form of unpleasantness you can think of, I am the most likely to weather whatever storm it can release. I'll carry the contents with me at the back of the caravan. That way, if anything comes looking for whatever is inside, I'll be the ones they come to."[/color] The super mutant was visibly excited, talking quickly and hurriedly, eyes glued to the chest. [color=palegreen]"Worry not, merchant. If you wish to sell any of the contents to whoever happens to walk past, I can serve as a mobile store front."[/color] Frankie nodded in what he hoped was a respectful manner to Shepard, putting the shovel to the side of the grave. Reaching into the grave, Frankie grasped the chest and pulled it out, excitedly staring it over. He looked back over at Shepard, some of the excitement fading as he seemed to remember why they were here. [color=palegreen]"If you wish the grave to be deeper to deter robbers and scavengers as well, I have more than enough strength and energy to do so. Just give the word."[/color]