Aelih calmly listened to Lui tell her story after Dannisus had told more about himself, and about the eye. [i]”Well that’s rather odd. So she is either a magic construct, or was a slave to a wizard, based on that. Let’s go for the first option.”[/i] Aelih then turned to Dannisus as he started telling them about himself, and about an encounter with a mana tag. Nasty things, those. The only time those were in the elf city, the one Aelih grew up in, at least, was to destroy them. Elves liked freedom, of themselves and of magic. [i]”Hmm?”[/i] Oh, the Myti asked about the spear, and all. Aelih smiled, noting some signs of... irritation? Nervousness? ...something. The Myti was not relaxed, that much was for sure. “It’s fine, don’t worry about pronouncing it too exactly. As for my story... well, to put it simply, I grew up in an elvish city than I think Wasn’t too far from here? I don’t remember how far it was at this point... anyways, after that city got burned down, somehow, I’ve spent my life wandering. As for the spear, well, that’s what I was trained in, so I kept it with me.” [i]”Oh, and he knew it was enchanted, intriguing. Not surprising but intriguing.”[/i]