[center][i]"Humanity has always been fond of telling stories. Be it a story based off real events. Be it a story inspired by real events. Stories of allegory. Stories of symbolism. Some stories go beyond, limited only by the creator's imagination like grand, epic journeys across the world or new, original worlds that have as much stories as we do. Some stories are a mixture. Like a story that is a fantastical allegory based off real events. From Beowulf's adventures to Frodo's journey. From Achilles' exploits to Usagi's trials. From the tales of King Arthur and the Round Table to the stories of Twilight Sparkle and the Mane Six. The world has always been teeming with stories, tales and chronicles. And as writing and reading became widespread and the people grew more literate. It should not come as a surprise that the world of stories expanded more and more. Even today it expands still, with no sign of stopping. And that's not counting reimaginings and retellings. Old stories recycled and given twists. Deconstructing them and reconstructing them. Breathing new life to archaic, ancient stories by using a new way to tell it. Of course, humanity's capacity for imagination is boundless. Original stories still, and will, come out, giving no end to creation. But not all stories are received equally. Some stories are praised worldly, vindicated, immortalized in history. Some are ridiculed, laughed at, pointed as examples of the worst works to have ever entered the world. Some simply... fade away into obscurity. Only read by a few and then... nothing, forgotten. ...I find it interesting that even these stories have stories to tell themselves... Don't you?" [/i][/center] [hr] Hey all! Paul here and I know I'm neck deep in GMing RPs but I've got a Re:Creators itch that needs scratching and thus, this thang. So this is going to be a [i]Re: Creators[/i] RP. If you're not aware of what [i]Re: Creators[/i] is, it's an anime where a bunch fictional characters get transported into the real world and have hijinks (both the funny and the non-funny kind). As to why or how is spoiler territory so go watch if you're interested in the premise. This RP will be following the premise as well as a similar plot. Players are able to play as either the fictional characters or their creators or related people. However, if you're going to be playing as a creator, it is recommended that you make sure that your character be present in the RP either by playing them yourselves or having another person play them. Characters from real franchises (like say, Saber from [i]Fate/stay night[/i]) are allowed to be played but the creation history of that character and its franchise must be different. Oh and, the main setting will be locked in Japan in the fictional coastal city of Akamagaseki as that location and the events there is kind of central to the main plot. Here are the character sheets so you guys can begin brainstorming. However, I will reserve the judgment for the OOC proper. [hider=Character Sheet (Creation)] Appearance: Name: Personality: Equipment: Abilities: Universe of Origin: Background (both in-universe & behind-the-scenes): Other: (put here things like if he/she is a different race than human and stuff like that) [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet (Creator)] Appearance: Name: Personality: Skills: Background: Other: [/hider]