[center][hr][h3][color=c4df9b]Martin Cromwell.[/color][/h3] [b][code]The Campsite - Male Cabins.[/code][/b] [hider=Interactions.][@Atrophy] & [@FernStone] & [@Surtr Inc][/hider][hr] [i]Luck[/i]. Luck would have it that Martin Cromwell was fast, and that he had particularly good reflexes. He'd thrown himself to the side at just the right moment and he'd rolled. It should have been graceful, instead it was clumsily executed. His shoulder had hit the ground first and it had hit it [i]hard[/i]. The soreness was nothing in exchange for his life, for a moment he'd [i]sworn[/i] he was a goner. His heart slammed in his chest and his body trembled furiously, every inch of him was alight with adrenaline. He couldn't steady his breathing, it whistled in his throat and his mouth felt dry. The dream was to write in his memoirs some day that his life had flashed before his eyes before he'd landed safely on the ground. The reality was that he'd very nearly lost control of his bladder and he was pretty sure he'd knocked his shoulder out of the socket. Admittedly, the stunt that he'd pulled had been [i]stupid[/i] but it had bought his companions the time that they needed to get out of here. He didn't do enough [i]truly stupid[/i] things, so, he figured that he could forgive himself for this one. Maybe the next idiotic stunt that he pulled wouldn't end in a swollen shoulder, [i]he could hope[/i]. He didn't even know if he [i]wanted[/i] to ever test fate like that again. Dazed as he was, he didn't have time to sit around and think about how lucky he was to be alive. The monster was trying to free it's axe from the bedframe, it wouldn't take it very long. He rose to his feet unsteadily, the room slanting in his vision a moment before he blinked to settle it. His heart was pounding faster than before as he quickly judged the distance between himself and the door. It wasn't too far, and if he could pass that distance before that [i]thing[/i] freed it's weapon then he'd be home free. He had never been much of a sprinter, he was small though and he knew he was fast. He drew in a breath to settle his nerves for the second time that night and he bolted. He pushed himself to cover as much distance as he could, his strides purposely long. He was cradling his aching arm with his free hand as he ran. He didn't want his shoulder to hurt any more than it already did. He crossed the threshold, precariously dodging a blonde girl, and he nearly broke into hysterical laughter and wrenching sobs. He knew that safety was still so far away but he'd gotten out of that acursed cabin. He'd never been so happy to see the moonlight overhead. In his dizzy, panic riddled state, he'd barely noticed the three parties who he'd left behind. He could barely focus long enough to notice much of anything. He had been in a sort of tunnel vision, under the broad assumption that everyone would have taken off into the dark by now. [i]God, he hoped Rita was okay.[/i] He was exhausted already, he wanted to go home. He wished he'd never came, this plan to take in nature and think up what to play on his electric guitar had been useless. He didn't know what was so [i]damn appealing[/i] about nature anyhow. What did he intend to write about anyway? [i]The goddamn birds?[/i] He sure as [i]hell[/i] wasn't going to be writing about axe slaughter. When he finally caught up to the group of fleeing kids, he was wheezing. "[color=c4df9b]Remind... me... never...[/color]" the boy hacked, holding his shoulder and panting with fatigue. "[color=c4df9b]To... [i]ever[/i] pull... that [i][b]shit[/b][/i] ever... again.[/color]" [/center] [center][hr][h3][color=8882be]Aliana Agüero.[/color][/h3] [b][code]The Campsite - Boat House.[/code][/b] [hider=Interactions][@Surtr Inc] & [@Zombiedude101] & [@Duoya][/hider][hr] Her doppleganger disappearing had done little to settle her nerves. It was like seeing a ghost, every moment after it was just her waiting to see it again. There was a small, skeptical part of her that wanted to disregard the entire event and pretend that it had never happened. She wanted to stow it away in the back of her mind with everything else that kept her up at night. It was on its way to becoming another thing that she never spoke about. Aliana was not a coward, not inherently. She might have had childish fears but she had singlehandedly faced off with her dad on more than one ocassion. People were easy to face, they were tangible. Spectors were not easy to face. The rotten version of herself was not a thing that she could fight, she wasn't even sure that it was a thing that she could touch. Never had she ever pictured maggots writhing through her flesh before but now, it was [i]all[/i] her brain would supply. Of course, she realized in a small way that this was just some product of her fear mangled brain but it didn't change those tortured thoughts. She had a very bad feeling that her nightmares wouldn't be featuring her dad as much as that creature that bore her face. She should have been thankful for a change, [i]she wasn't[/i]. She couldn't help but fear what she might see next if she stayed here any longer. She didn't want stay any longer in this dark boat house. She didn't want to stay any longer at this campsite, separated from the world that made sense by the water that she trusted so dearly. She wanted out of here and when Lynette suggested just that, she was elated. As Lynette began to pull the boat free, Aliana went to her aid. She carefully took up one side and helped her lift it, ready to follow her. "[color=8882be]Let's do this. The faster we're out of this crazy ass place, the better.[/color]" [/center]