ayoo. i made a doctor! :D please do tell me if there's something i need to change about her [hider=Golde] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cd/a7/5b/cda75b61de8edd5eae9f1275ff030f58.jpg[/img] [h1]Golde Le'Reaux[/h1] Age: 20 Nickname: Angel, Golden Angel Dialogue Color: [color=LightSalmon]LightSalmon[/color][/center] HOW ARE THEY BEST RECOGNIZED IN A CROWD? > In order to see Angel in a crowd, you will need a really sharp eyesight. Because of her shy and soft-spoken personality, she often wears a cloak every time she goes outside to buy food from the market or harvest herbs and berries in the woods that she would put in her large basket. Really, standing out from a crowd will be the last thing Angel wants to do as she doesn't really want any unnecessary attention. The only striking traits you'll see that will make you sure it was her was the flash of lush, golden hair underneath her cloak along with her fair skin. WHAT IS A STRANGER'S FIRST IMPRESSION UPON MEETING THEM? HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER SEE THEMSELVES? > Golde is really beautiful in an angelic way, as claimed by her family and friends, which is why it became her nickname that she'll bring with her for the rest of her life. She used to have suitors lining up outside her house bring flowers and gifts of all kinds to please her and her family. She's also not just those women who lacked at the brain category as anyone can see her intelligence reflected on her blue-gray eyes. Contrary to popular belief that she does little chores, Golde was actually the breadwinner of their family. With how Golde sees herself, let's just say that at that time life's too hard to even think about what you look like. WHERE DID THEY GROW UP? WHERE DO THEY FEEL AT HOME? > She grew up in a quaint village at a house near the woods. While she does agree that life can get pretty boring in that village, it was still the home she grew up in and she considered all the villagers as her family. From her childhood 'til up to this day, she often explors the woods near their house and be curious about anything and everything there. Golde would often end up in trouble because she touched plants such as poison ivies or eat wild mushrooms and berries out of sheer curiosity. While her mother would often scold her, her dad urged her to be more curious and open to new knowledge and experiences about the world. Whenever she climbs tall trees, bathe in rivers, or even swing across vines and branches, she often remembers home. WHO ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN THEIR LIVES? > Naturally her family and the villagers she grew up with. As it is just a small and quaint village, it made the people who lived there to have stronger bonds with each other. They will come to each other's aid in times of need and celebrate whenever they feel like it. Petty quarrels are inevitable but it will soon disappear like it was nothing and love and happiness would again reign supreme in their village. WHAT IS THEIR PROFESSION, SKILL OR LIFESTYLE? WHAT DO THEY THINK THEIR STRENGTHS ARE? WHAT ARE THEIR ACTUAL STRENGTHS? > Her father was the village doctor, and quite a good one at that. Golde admired him for the longest time and longed to become a doctor as talented as he is one day minus the traits he has. She has learned so much during those years of helping her father treat the ill. When she became a young adult, Golde learned so much that she would often treat her father's patients whenever he is away. The villagers and other visiting strangers were thankful to have such a kind, heart-warming doctor to treat them instead of her serious, scary father to which she only replied with a laugh. She also have a real knack for creating potions and remedies from natural ingredients and medicinal herbs. Because of her talent in treating the ill, along with her personality, earned her the nickname Angel. WHAT ARE THEIR FEARS, FLAWS AND SECRETS? > Golde is really uncomfortable being the center of attention, so much that will still wear a cloak when going out despite living in a small village. She is also selfless and would take priority on other's needs before hers along with being too kind. She's very curious about anything and her quest to quench her thirst for knowledge sometimes leads her to trouble. However, her deepest fear of all is being unable to cure a patient's disease. Golde will become very depressed and will blame herself for every patient dead due to her failure of finding a medicine for their illness, though her blaming herself wasn't that worse than before. WHAT DO THEY WANT MOST? WHAT DO THEY ACTUALLY NEED? > She's just a simple woman with one simple wish in life: to be happy. Golde imagined herself being the doctor of a village just like her father and maybe settle down with her husband and kids while living a happy and contented life until she dies. Additionally, Golde wants to continue to devote her life in research for medicines and cures for fatal diseases and plagues to people won't have to die just because a medicine or cure wasn't possible in their era. IF YOUR CHARACTER COULD HAVE ANY SUPERNATURAL ABILITY, WHAT WOULD IT BE? > Golde would pretty much want the ability to grow and manipulate plants at will. HOW HAS THE PLAGUE AFFECTED THEM? WHY ARE THEY ABOARD THE LEGEND'S FORGERY? > Even before the plague infected half of the village people, news about the Legend's Forgery reached their small village. Among all of them, Golde was seemingly the only one unaffected by the plague. She has never encountered a plague so deadly such as this so she couldn't do anything but only watch as the villagers she grew up with went madder and rabid as the days went by. Her family, now showing signs of the plague, urged Golde to leave the village and go aboard the ship to save herself. Sefless and kind Golde refused to do it until the plague's symptoms become worse on her family, forcing her to leave. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE THIS CHARACTER CHANGE AND DEVELOP? > I would like her to learn to be more confident about herself as the story develops. Also, I believe it is important for her to know that she cannot save everyone and it is okay if the only person she could save was herself. PITCH A SMALL SUBPLOT THAT WOULD BE PERSONALLY MEANINGFUL TO YOUR CHARACTER Golde stopped mid-exit at her door. She glanced back at her family, all moaning and ravenously eating a whole cooked pork as if they didn't just eat a while ago. Even though she did all her best and cooked every meal for her family, she eventually knows the inevitable will come. She tried not to let a single tear cry but she couldn't help it and soon she was on the floor sobbing and screaming about how unfair this all is. Her family stopped eating and turned their attention to Golde, her face on her hands and a cloth bag beside her. For a moment, they recognized who Golde was and crawled towards her. When she lifted her face, Golde saw the effects of the plague on her family. She still couldn't stop crying about the state of her poor family. Golde embraced them and told them how much she loved them one last time before standing and picking up her cloth bag and left. Meanwhile, her family continued to gaze at the path where Golde disappeared into, with tears on their faces. [/hider]