[b]BOOM[/b] [hider=Temp the Troublemaker][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ndjlnJg.png?1[/img][/center] WHAT IS YOUR CHARACTER'S NAME? WHAT DO THEY PREFER TO BE CALLED? [indent]Louise Tempers. Call her [color=crimson]Temp[/color] if you wanna keep your face pretty. [/indent] HOW ARE THEY BEST RECOGNIZED IN A CROWD? [indent]Look for the short young woman in a tie, with a messy flop of hair, freckles covering her cheeks, and a mouth full of curses. She'll be easy to find – brawls tend to be hard to miss.[/indent] WHAT IS A STRANGER'S FIRST IMPRESSION UPON MEETING THEM? HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER SEE THEMSELVES? [indent]Temp lives up to her name – loud mouthed, short fused, and always ready to crack a bat over some kneecaps. It's easy enough to write her off as a violent lost cause, a grown-up delinquent that you'd do well to stay far away from. Most do. Temp likes to think of herself as a pretty straight forward person. If you're cool to her, she's cool to you. You piss her off, she beats you up. It's not a perfect system, she knows – it's probably caused more problems than it's solved. Sometimes Temp thinks about trying to change herself, become the quiet, dainty girl her grandpa wished she'd been. But then some jackass calls her short and all thoughts of changing herself go flying out the window.[/indent] WHERE DID THEY GROW UP? WHERE DO THEY FEEL AT HOME? [indent]Temp grew up in Myrefall with her grandpa, a tailor named Gabriel Fournier. He was a harsh old bastard, chewing out her ear whenever she got into fights or ran around in the suits he made. But he took care of her. Cleaned up her cuts and started leaving out suits that just happened to be her size. He tried to teach her tailoring but she just kept on stabbing herself with a needle and throwing tantrums. He tried setting her up with bachelors in town, but after the first one ended up with a broken nose and three missing teeth, the boys stayed well away. He'd just about given up when the two walked by a clockwork shop on their way to a concert being held in the town square. Louise - because Gabe didn't care what the brat wanted to call herself, her mother had named her [i]Louise[/i] – paused mid-step to look in through the shop window. The sunset made the ticking clockwork gleam, and she took a step towards it, eyes watching the steady [i]tick, tick, tick,[/i] of the gears. Clockwork was all around them, sure, and she'd always had a passing interest in it; the delicate gears and tapes, the steady clicks of time. But seeing it all up close like this… how did it [i]work[/i]? Gabe watched as his granddaughter stared in open curiosity. An idea formed in his head. Within a month (it'd taken much negotiating and pleading, what with her reputation for trouble) she was made an apprentice clockworker under Finnegan Choq, owner and operator of the shop Choq's Clocks. The ticking brass of gears and clockwork became home.[/indent] WHO ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN THEIR LIVES? [indent]Her grandpa will always be first in Temp's heart. But she managed to make room for old man Finnegan once she started learning from him. Gabe passed a month before she graduated from her apprenticeship, and that… well, if [i]that[/i] wasn't a kick in the shins. Temp grit her teeth and told herself to fight through it. She'd make her old man proud. She’d [i]thought[/i] she’d made Finn proud. But the day he told her she’d completed her trainer to become a fully fledged clockworker, he sat her down with a sigh. He said that it was best if she went her own way. She was talented – talented enough to start her own shop if she wanted. But she brought too much trouble to keep her around the shop. Finn had kept her as an apprentice out of respect for Gabe, but there'd been too many fights, too many mornings of fixing broken machines and cleaning metal shards from her knuckles. Maybe she hadn't made anyone proud after all. Maybe she wasn't capable of it. There hasn't been anyone since Finn. Evelyn comes close. Before he died, Evelyn's father, the local doctor, was always the one to patch her up whenever Gabe's skills came up short. Temp has a soft spot for the younger girl and her siblings, and since their parents died, she does what she can to help out, whether that means sneaking her booze to try and get her to loosen up, or scaring off guys who give her a hard time. But Temp waits for the day Evelyn decides she's more trouble than she's worth, just like Finn did.[/indent] WHAT IS THEIR PROFESSION, SKILL OR LIFESTYLE? WHAT DO THEY THINK THEIR STRENGTHS ARE? WHAT ARE THEIR ACTUAL STRENGTHS? [indent]Temp hasn't dared open up a clock face since Finn dumped her. Instead, she ran into the arms of her other love – violence. The alleys and bars of Myrelurk were chaos in those weeks following her graduation. It was a common occurrence for the town guards to throw her in a cell to cool off for a night or two. It wasn't long though, before someone decided to put her fists to good use. Sasha, the owner of the seediest bar in town, had been trying to get Temp on her payroll for years. But Gabe would never hear anything of it, always grumbling about how Temp could do better than some half-brained bouncer. But Gabe wasn't there to tell her no anymore. And thus, Temp became Sasha's right hand, breaking up fights (with a little too much gusto) and tossing out drunks. Sasha tried to get Temp in on the more questionable work she did – shakedowns and intimidation. But Temp always told her to piss off when she tried. Temp enjoys her work. She's good at it. She's small, but she hits hard and plays dirty. If asked, she'd say her strengths are that she's quick on her feet, tough as nails, and unwilling to put up with anyone's shit. And she is all these things. But she's also brave, pragmatic, clever, and curious, with enough determination to see through any challenge. And while she loves a good fight, her anger is more often than not fueled by a strong set of morals that her grandpa wove into her like a seam in a coat.[/indent] WHAT ARE THEIR FEARS, FLAWS AND SECRETS? [indent]Temp is terribly superstitious. She blames her grandpa, who used to delight in telling her ghost stories until she couldn't sleep at night. Ghosts are the worst. Demons and ghouls are horrible, but at least she can punch them. She hates things she can't fix with her hands – her grandpa's death. Finn's rejection. They make her feel helpless. There's nothing more terrifying than that. Temp knows she has issues – [i]anger[/i] issues. Her first instinct when faced with anything even mildly inconvenient is to resort to violence. Whether she's throwing fists or words, she tends to set people off. That's fine, she tells herself. Who needs them anyway? Not Temp, no sir.[/indent] WHAT DO THEY WANT MOST? WHAT DO THEY ACTUALLY NEED? [indent]A good drink, first. A way to get bloodstains out of clothes, after that. Temp's a girl of simple wants. She's just trying to get by – she doesn't need finery or easy living. Hell, Temp's always loved a challenge. She can roll with whatever life throws at her. But of course, what she wants and what she needs are two different things. Temp needs people she can rely on – people she can trust and be vulnerable with. And she needs to stop using violence as an easy fallback plan. She has other skills, whether or not she wants to trust in them. Temp needs to get out of the guarded rut she's dug for herself.[/indent] IF YOUR CHARACTER COULD HAVE ANY SUPERNATURAL ABILITY, WHAT WOULD IT BE? [indent]Temp would become incorporeal – to be untouchable, just like her ghosts.[/indent] HOW HAS THE PLAGUE AFFECTED THEM? WHY ARE THEY ABOARD THE LEGEND'S FORGERY? [indent]Myrefall got hit hard by the Plague. Almost everyone was dead or dying by the time the Legend's Forgery raised anchor. Temp saw to Evelyn and her siblings, making sure they got on the ship, but then she paused… she didn't see Finn. She couldn't stop herself from running back to his shop. He'd been fine the last time she'd seen him from across the square, he was healthy, why wasn't he – Finn was sitting at the front counter. He was gazing down at an old pocket watch. Temp recognized it. He'd always fiddled with it, but no matter what it never worked. He glanced up at her before turning back to the device in his hands. "I'm sick," was all he said. Temp felt something break in her. She immediately opened her mouth to argue, to yell and scream, but he silenced her with another look. "I've had a good life. Long. Get on the ship, kid. Grow older than I did." He held the pocket watch out to her – something to remember him by. In that moment Temp was gripped by burning rage. What [i]right[/i] did he have? Who said he could pretend to be some dying, benevolent grandfather to her, imparting this last gift? He'd thrown her out like she was nothing, after all she'd done. She'd trusted him, relied on him, and [i]what had he done?[/i] Temp hated him. She [i]hated[/i] him and she was glad he was dying. Hot tears pricked at her eyes. She looked at the watch in his crooked, wrinkled hands. Her fingers twitched to take it. Then her hand snapped into a tight fist and her jaw clenched shut. She spun from him and ran out the door, slamming it behind her. Temp tells herself she doesn't regret it.[/indent] HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE THIS CHARACTER CHANGE AND DEVELOP? [indent]I would love to see Temp mature – realize she doesn't need to be so guarded and tough all the time, and learn to open up more to the people around her. I'd also like for her to rediscover her love of clockwork, and to value herself as more than a walking beat-down. Some closure over the death of her old mentor, Finn, and their last moments together would also be nice. Of course, Temp just falling deeper into her ways is another option, but Artemis is already sort of doing that. Maybe character growth would be nice this time around instead of regression.[/indent] PITCH A SMALL SUBPLOT THAT WOULD BE PERSONALLY MEANINGFUL TO YOUR CHARACTER. [indent]I'm honestly… not sure. You know me, I can stuff character moments into just about any scenario you throw at me. But… maybe there's a younger artificier (or even a non-feral Kith) that Temp takes under her wing, just like Finn did for her. Hell, it could even be another PC. Just Temp in a mentor role would be interesting, or being responsible for something or someone, I think, and would give her lots of room for growth.[/indent][/hider]