[@KatherinWinter][@FalkiThomas][@Sleeth][@Raptra] After making their getaway, Isago head turned to Ratte when she proclaimed that she would become a pirate. That was something he was not expecting to hear from her but yet, still amusing. A small sigh escaped his lips knowing that he had a nice little haul for himself. He could start a new business, gather himself a new group of his own, purchase a new ship, gain a little power, and so on. Hell...he could use his money to purchase slaves to bring their freedom. The possibilities were endless. Thinking about Saba, she may have been a prostitute but...he knew her for a while and thought about having her join him on his ideas on what he'd do with the coins and treasure. He still couldn't help think what happened to Roxy. It would be risky for him to go back and check on her. Maybe Saba could have ran into Roxy? She was quite the sneaky one herself. His thoughts were interrupted when Eryx spoke up, bringing Isago's attention back on him. "Used to live here? Old friends hard to find? What was purpose leaving and what happened to your...'old friends'? My apologies for prying but...I don't usually trust many people but since you stepped in to help, I want to know your motives for stepping in and helping us. Not many people would step in just to be a good samaritan or without an agenda..." Thinking for a moment. "Well I could give you a thanks for assisting but despite the success or...the closest thing to success, you were the unknown element that we were not counting on." Isago mentioned while checking out the coin, flicking it in the air and catching it before looking down, ready to carry the barrel himself.