[center][h2][color=E9967A]Bree[/color][/h2][sub] Wife of ? Interacting with: Arden [@Pupperr],[/sub][/center] The group was lead down a winding staircase, the girls were instructed to leave their shoes at the top, and wearing only towels, were lead into the belly of the mountain. Arden, her new ‘friend’, was walking by her side when the path allowed, but would shift in front or behind her when the passages became too narrow to allow it. The girl had grown on her. Despite her rebellious tendencies she was... something. Truthfully, Bree might have called her a friend, but a friendship unlike any she had had before. She had plenty of friends back home she wasn't particularly close to any of them. It was silly to invest heavily into something that would soon be lost. But Arden just made it so damn easy to know her. To care about her. To worry about her every time a drakkan gave an order. The stone below Bree’s feet felt smooth, almost slimy, like the stone was trying to emulate a living creature. Hints of sulfur started permeating the air the deeper they went, but the final change was the most alarming. At the bottom of the stairs, the room was damp, drips of cool water sprinkling on the shivering girls. There was nothing that resembled a hot spring. In fact, there was nothing there at all, save a large round stone. It soon became clear that the stone was a door. A heavy one, as it took two earth drakken to move its massive force. The second the door was cracked open, the room filled with steam, inflicting an impossible humidity. For a moment, Bree couldn’t breathe. The sudden heat of the air filling her mouth and pressing down on her lungs. It took a few minutes, but soon her breath adjusted to the humid air and she felt...warm. The sort that went straight to her bones, causing a tension she didn't know was there to vanish in an instant. The room beyond the door was low and casted in a strange yellow light and filled with pools, at least ten, but probably more that had faded into the mist. Scattered around the room were baskets will with soaps, pumice stones, rags, combs and an endless list of other things. Walking deeper in, Bree let out a gasp, as her foot hit something icy. Examining the floor a minute, she spotting a thin stream of water coming from a corner of the room where empty cups had been placed next to a spring. “[b]You have until lunch[/b],” came the booming voice of the drakkan that had lead the girls down there. There were two or three drakken stationed by the door, their faces indicative of having won some grand prize themselves, before the rest of the drakken excited the room. Leaving the girls to their devices. [color=E9967A]“I guess this is as alone as we are getting,”[/color] said Bree trying, and failing to hide the eagerness in her voice. The basin of water she'd been given did little in the way of making her feel clean. Her eyes flashed towards at the three remaining drakken who had taken chairs by the door, before focusing on Arden [color=E9967A]“But I’m not complaining, I haven’t had a proper bath since I left,”[/color] Bree stuck her hand in one of the pools, running her hand in a small circle. Unable to wait any longer, Bree pulled the towel off and folding it on a bench, away from the water. The warm air covering her body like a blanket, already leaving a dampness to her skin. The pools themselves varied in size and depth. Some she could get in a touch both sides and the water would hardly cover her knees. The largest of the pools ran the full length of the room and have several stalagmite islands. Grabbing one of the soaps and a comb, she picked a medium sized pool and slowly lowered herself into the clear, warm water. [hider=summary]The hot springs and bathing. That is about all folks Also…...inspiration for the hot spring [img]https://images.techhive.com/images/idge/imported/imageapi/2014/10/07/22/1438550247_5076e3e148_z-100481960-primary-idge.jpg[/img] [img]https://coloradohistorichotspringsloop.newswire.com/files/x/c8/5d/f7307f06d0ff10c566a5de2caf21.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/58/0a/93/580a9348893880ee42df38d42476d716.jpg[/img] [/hider]