[center][h1] [color=lightgreen]Goblin Gina[/color][/h1][/center] [center][i]Day four/ Morning[/i][/center] [center][@Jangel13][/center] [hr] She was happy to find a useful book and was eager to see if she can trade this in for something nice and interesting or useful. As a book that will let the clan understand and learn valuable skills from the humans or the books in the shrine’s massive collection would be valuable or incredibly important. She pats the rabbit as it snuggles with her while she reads away, but sighs as she can visibly feel the pain from her knee. After getting about half of it she puts down the book. She then picks up the rabbit, putting it on the sides. She then put her hands onto the bench and pushes herself up. Like before the stinging pain was still there and running was still out of the picture let alone climbing. It was painful but, it was bearable then the first time. She limps forward into the gates massive doors pushing to open it once more. Her feet still hurting, she gestures to the rabbit to come with her for it was time for her to hunt or to gather food. After exiting the eager rays of the sun blinded her for a minute catching her off guard. Thankfully she was able to adjust. She leaves the statue for now not willing to lose her only connection to the weakened goddess. She smiles nothing like the great outdoors she says as she looks at the rusty sword that she got. It was dull but, it still had its slightly sharp edge that she could use to clear away obstacles. It was a bit better to use it as a blunt weapon with all the dull areas but, there was still sharp bits in it. And plus the rust would definitely cause a nasty infection if treated too late. [@Darked13] [color=red] “ZAT! ANYONE!!” [/color] She screams out hoping that anyone can hear her call. Still feeling the pain from before she takes a sit hoping for someone with any kind of medical expertise. [list] [*] She reads half of the book. [*] She gets ready to hunt as she exits the church and into the clearing outside [*] She yells hoping for someone to hear her. [/list]