[@RangingWolf] Thank you The thread will be posted tomorrow. [@Rokoran] Here's the CS sheet format in case you want to get started on brainstorming. [hider=CS format] Name: Age: Gene: (Regular, Astartes, Mechanicum, S.O.B[sisters of battle]) Rank or title: Gender: Appearance: (description or image. Please, by the emperor, please no manga) Equipment: Augmentations(optional): Psyche: (personality, stability, chaos susceptible, Psycher abilities, etc.) Bio: Other: (...did I miss something you wish to add? Objects of value to the character by chance?) [/hider] Should I accept these, you should still read the first post when the thread is up before it goes in the CS thread. Any questions, PM me. I'm now going to waste my brain cells writing down the last bits of info and corrections while drinking too much tea for my own good...