I suppose I'll put the ones I have done here. [Hider= Emiko Lexi Fae ] [center] [color=RosyBrown][h3][i] “What is it? Why do you stare like that Demon? Have you never seen an Angel before?” [/i][/h3][/color][hr] [img]http://www.wallpaperbetter.com/wallpaper/251/166/435/girl-back-pigeons-birds-sky-night-free-fantasy-1080P-wallpaper.jpg[/img] [/center] [center][img]http://www.ghostmountaininn.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/decoration-1.png[/img][/center] [b] B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr] [color=RosyBrown] Name: [/color] Emiko Lexi Fae (Blessed Child, Protector of Faith) [color=RosyBrown] Alias: [/color] Emiko [color=RosyBrown] Age: [/color] She appears to be 17 years old She is actually about 15,000 or so [color=RosyBrown] Gender: [/color] Female [color=RosyBrown] Rank: [/color] Guardian [color=RosyBrown] Symbol: [/color] An Enochian symbol- the written form of the words “word” or “power”, because the written form of the two words is exactly the same. Like read and read in English. [color=RosyBrown] Power: [/color] The power of words. - She can say or sing any words she wants and they will have whichever effect she wants on anyone who hears the words. - If she can pull herself together enough, she can sing or pray her way out of a situation. Her words hold power, so she doesn't have to physically fight if she doesn't want to. [color=RosyBrown] Archangel: [/color] Barachiel [color=RosyBrown] Archangel’s Symbol Weapon: [/color] When she summons Baraciel’s White Rose to use as a weapon, 99.9% of the time she uses it as a bow and arrow. [color=RosyBrown] Elder: [/color] Elder Fae [color=RosyBrown] Team Members: [/color] The other two on her team were Fisk and Ryba, before..... Suppose that her current ‘team’ is just Priturius and Koko now... [center][img]http://www.ghostmountaininn.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/decoration-1.png[/img][/center] [b] P H Y S I C A L A P P E A R A N C E [/b][hr] [color=RosyBrown] Aura color: [/color] Rose pink [hider= Warrior Form ] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/370640558391164929/370641743353479168/Anime-Angel-anime-angels-8741679-1024-768.jpg?width=671&height=503[/img][/center] [color=RosyBrown] Weapon: [/color] See the sword she’s holding? That’s it. [color=RosyBrown] Height: [/color] 10 feet [color=RosyBrown] Weight: [/color] 400 pounds [color=RosyBrown] Eye Color: [/color] Chocolate Brown [color=RosyBrown] Hair Color: [/color] Light Brown [/hider] [hider= Pure Form ] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/370640558391164929/370644248464195585/f9b01e0332952a333645cc7450f5858a--anime-angel-girl-anime-girls.jpg?width=567&height=504[/img][/center] [color=RosyBrown] Height: [/color] 7 feet [color=RosyBrown] Weight: [/color] 220 pounds [color=RosyBrown] Eye Color: [/color] Golden [color=RosyBrown] Hair Color: [/color] Light Brown [/hider] [hider= Human Form ] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/370640558391164929/370647303893155842/C6gO5H3WAAEe3Y_.jpg?width=754&height=503[/img][/center] [color=RosyBrown] Height: [/color] 5 feet [color=RosyBrown] Weight: [/color] 100 pounds [color=RosyBrown] Eye Color: [/color] Honey brown [color=RosyBrown] Hair Color: [/color] Light Brown/Dark Blonde [/hider] [hider= As a Fallen One ] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/370640558391164929/370650922789109760/c8f62f7fd9026263db3c882bb95daa9e.jpg?width=805&height=503[/img][/center] [color=RosyBrown] Height: [/color] 7 feet [color=RosyBrown] Weight: [/color] 100 pounds [color=RosyBrown] Hair Color: [/color] Black [/hider] [center][img]http://www.ghostmountaininn.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/decoration-1.png[/img][/center] [b] P S Y C H O L O G Y [/b][hr] [color=RosyBrown] Personality: [/color] Emiko is naive, but also very smart, tactical, and quick-thinking. She will be cold and impersonal to others at first, but once she’s actually comfortable around someone she will be zany and full of life and joy. She has a childish innocence to her that has never faded over all her years of life. To an enemy she is harsh, to a friend she is fierce. She is a guardian, through and through, and she [i]will[/i] see this world saved. Lawful Good. [color=RosyBrown] Likes: [/color] Rabbits Flowers Clouds Chocolate Protecting the innocent Cooking Singing/music Dancing Fruits/fruity-flavored things [color=RosyBrown] Dislikes: [/color] Yelling Evil Humans Dogs Reptiles of any type Cowardice Bright, overly showy colors [color=RosyBrown] Fear: [/color] That she will go through her entire life without having truly saved anyone. Being trapped in the darkness. Claustrophobia. Becoming a Fallen Angel/being cast out of Heaven. [color=RosyBrown] Greatest Hope: [/color] To save the world from itself, and finally earn some peace and rest for herself and the rest of the Angels. [color=RosyBrown] Habits: [/color] [i]The eyes are the windows to the soul.[/i] Her emotions are not easily hidden, as they always tend to show in her eyes if nowhere else. She tends to hum to herself when happy. When she’s truly sad, she is silent. Often she will not fly but rather walk wherever she’s going and she will not meet anyone’s eyes, if she even acknowledges that they are there in the first place. [color=RosyBrown] Hobbies: [/color] Violin playing Harp playing Singing Knitting [center][img]http://www.ghostmountaininn.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/decoration-1.png[/img][/center] [b] H I S T O R Y [/b][hr] Emiko’s life hasn’t been much more than a cycle of monotony. Ever since she was only about 20 years old, she has been a Guardian Angel of the Fae family. The Archangel in charge of her was a pretty chill guy, and her Elder has always been a guiding light in her life. For almost 14,500 years, nothing too interesting ever happened at all. [i]A guardian is as a Guardian does.[/i] But then, about 1,400 years before current day, things started getting bad. Angels and Demons are always at each other’s throats, and always will be, but around that time the tables began to turn in the Demon’s favor. For 400 years, Emiko watched as slowly, Angels began losing. Then exactly 1,000 years ago, the war seemed to cross the point of no return. Her Archangel abandoned the Guardians, and the entire rank began slowly dying out as they failed more and more to protect the humans they were charged with... A little over 900 years ago she met a Demon named Priturius, and his sister Koko, who were looking to change their fate as demons. She agreed to save them. Exactly 900 years ago, the three of them began to uncover proof of a traitor among the Angels, that was causing the shift in the war. Shortly after they realized this, they were all nearly killed and thrown through a portal- which was supposed to have finished the job. For 900 years, Emiko and her two charges have not existed. Time has moved on without them. Now she lands in the human world, no further from death than she had been all those years ago. Not a second has passed in her mind. [center][img]http://www.ghostmountaininn.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/decoration-1.png[/img][/center] [b] O T H E R A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr] [color=RosyBrown] Other: [/color] Speech color = RosyBrown [color=RosyBrown] Theme Song: [/color] [hider= Lost in Paradise ~ Evanescence ] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rnxlW5TrBs[/youtube] [color=RosyBrown] Secret Word: [/color] :rollin [/hider] [/hider] [Hider= Alice Vünderlan ] [center] [color=FDD017][h3][i] “Heh. That was your last mistake, old man.” [/i][/h3][/color][hr] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/27/27/4a/27274a4e80bc4a98514abc86c9443d34.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=2640142&size=large&format=png&rev=1476610238[/img] [/center] [b] B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr] [color=FDD017] Name: [/color] Alice Vünderlan [color=FDD017] Alias: [/color] Alice Vampire Follower of the Mad God [color=FDD017] Age: [/color] She appears 17, but is actually 22 now. [color=FDD017] Gender: [/color] Female [color=FDD017] Sexuality: [/color] Yes [color=FDD017] Languages: [/color] German, Dutch, English, Latin, the Mad Tongues, and Runic. [color=FDD017] Nationality: [/color] Germanic [color=fff79a][i] M A G I - S P E C I F I C [/i][/color] [color=FDD017] Race: [/color] Witch [color=FDD017] Bloodline: [/color] Unknown [color=FDD017] Element: [/color] Shadow [color=fff79a][i] S U P E R N A T U R A L - S P E C I F I C [/i][/color] [color=FDD017] Type: [/color] Vampire [color=FDD017] Powers/Abilities: [/color] Alice is able to drink the blood of another living being as a means of healing herself in a pinch, but this gives her a weakness as well. She must feed [u]at least[/u] every two days in order to stay in control of herself. Sunlight and garlic and all those other stereotypical ways of repelling vampires don't actually work on her, though stabbing her through the heart with a silver blade or a wooden stake will definitely kill her, and the sunlight is harsh on her eyes and skin -thus she wears a dark cloak all the time. She has the ability to sense living beings and any blood nearby, and all her senses are heightened as well as her physical strength and speed because of the vampirism. [color=FDD017] Explicit Weaknesses: [/color] Silver metal Bloodthirst Caffene [color=FDD017] Elemental Affinity: [/color] Mental/Psychic [center][img]http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=2640142&size=large&format=png&rev=1476610238[/img][/center] [b] P H Y S I C A L A P P E A R A N C E [/b][hr] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/326546758983483392/378375648508379137/28565b2d5699b039f454d1b4a88b589e.png?width=395&height=526[/img][/center] [color=FDD017] Height: [/color] 5 feet 5 inches [color=FDD017] Weight: [/color] 150 pounds [color=FDD017] Eye Color: [/color] Dark Auburn (They glow yellow when she's using magic, and red when she's not been very well fed for a while.) [color=FDD017] Hair Color: [/color] Black [color=FDD017] Fashion Sense: [/color] Normally wears comfortable t-shirts and jeans, along with a black hooded robe that envelops her form and a amulet that contains her demon [i]friend[/i], Caligate. [color=FDD017] Other: [/color] Her eyes glow when she's using any of her abilities or magic. The color of the glow ranges from blood red to bright yellow, and the color tells how well-fed she is in terms of her Vampirisim. Red if hungry, and Yellow if good. When her eyes aren't glowing, they are just a normal dark auburn color. Her glowing eyes are a calling card- usually they are the only thing her living victims can remember about her. [center][img]http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=2640142&size=large&format=png&rev=1476610238[/img][/center] [b] P S Y C H O L O G Y [/b][hr] [color=FDD017] Personality: [/color] Insane, manipulative, vampire bitch. That's the best way to sum her up. She follows her god in the manner of a child following a child, and takes joy in the suffering of others- especially if she caused it. She's cunning and devilish- always one step ahead of everyone, it seems. There are very few people she considers to be worthy of life- and only one person she calls a friend. Chaotic Evil. [color=FDD017] Likes: [/color] Jokes of all kinds Flirting and all that comes with it Sacrificing people [color=FDD017] Dislikes: [/color] Marcus [color=FDD017] Fear: [/color] The loss of one or more of her powers. [color=FDD017] Greatest Hope: [/color] The eventual devolution of the world into a mad hell of its own. That's where it's going to end up anyway, right? [color=FDD017] Habits: [/color] She calls people different names depending on her attitude towards them. Darling - Most people. Not a good thing to be called- because it normally means she considers you food or worse. Dear - anyone she actually cares about at all. Darling Dear - when she feels she's in trouble with someone she cares about- or as an even more patronizing term for food-people. mr, mrs, miss, lord, or lady - She actually has some respect for you. Sweetheart - either she loves you, or she's about to lose control and destroy everything around her in a crazed vampiric fit. [color=FDD017] Hobbies: [/color] Learning new spells Annoying the hell out of whoever she can [center][img]http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=2640142&size=large&format=png&rev=1476610238[/img][/center] [b] M E N T A L S T A B I L I T Y [/b][hr] [color=FDD017] Pact Creation: [/color] Her pact with Caligate was formed willingly by the both of them. They both met through their devotion to the Mad God, and realized that they could do better as a team. [b]Much[/b] better. [color=FDD017] Familiar’s Appearance: [/color] His true form is a Wolf, and his form as an object is a blood-red amulet. [color=FDD017] Thoughts on rules: [/color] Fuck 'em. Marcus is a bench-warming pussy who thinks he's safe behind a wall of phrases telling people that they aren't allowed to do things. [i]"Why is it that all the [b]fun[/b] things are against the god-damn rules?"[/i] [center][img]http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=2640142&size=large&format=png&rev=1476610238[/img][/center] [b] F A M I L I A R [/b][hr] [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/animal-jam-clans-1/images/0/09/Dark-wolves-anime-dark-wolves-37729965-532-351.png/revision/latest?cb=20151011151659[/img][/center] [color=FDD017] Name: [/color] Caligate [color=FDD017] Other: [/color] the Demon that Alice is bonded to, and a devout follower of Azazeil, the Mad God. when he is not in his true form, he is an amulet that Alice wears at all times.[hider= Amulet form ][center][img]http://gem-amber.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/gem-amber_gem04_800x800px.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [center][img]http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=2640142&size=large&format=png&rev=1476610238[/img][/center] [b] MAGIC AND SPELLS [/b][hr] [color=FDD017] Elemental Shit: [/color] Shadow and Psychic [color=FDD017] Spells: [/color] [color=696969][i]Magical Ability and Knowledge[/i][/color] Gained from the fact that she's a natural-born witch, and strengthened through all the time she's spent in practice and study of the Mystical Artes. Alice is well-versed in Mystical artes and can cast high-level spells and rituals without much difficulties, so long as she has the spell-book and all the necessary ingredients with her. Without the book, there are only a few spells she can cast which she has memorized. One of these spells will send someone's soul to Mad Hell when she casts it on them, and another is a spell that will summon a portal so she can go there herself. [color=696969][i]Kiss of Madness[/i][/color] Alice kisses the victim after saying a short incantation out loud, and the victim's soul is then transported to the Mad Hell, at the foot of the Mad God's throne. [color=696969][i]Madness Portal[/i][/color] Alice chants an incantation and the portal opens- only closing when she says the phrase "There's Mad love here". The portal will open within a meter of wherever she is at the moment she starts chanting, and will grow in size the longer she keeps chanting. [color=FDD017] Rituals: [/color] Her spell book has many spells in it- almost too many to mention. There's the healing spell [i]Mania[/i] and the spell that turns people inside-out ([i]Despair[/i]), but her favorite spell has to be the [i]Super-happy-fun Dance[/i], which causes the target to dance ridiculously until they either die, or can't move anymore under their own power. They each require the blood of the victim to cast, and that's it. [color=FDD017] Abilities: [/color] [color=696969][i]Shadow Manipulation[/i][/color] An ability gained through her service to the Mad God Azazeil. Alice is able to move through Shadows at will and can use them as a weapon, often creating a vortex of smoke-like shadows around her as a shield when she's on the defense, or using that same vortex to surround an enemy and kill them by closing the sharp shadows in on them. In complete darkness or complete light, there are no shadows she can control, however. At night, she can turn her body into shadows in order to move quickly through things and crowded places, making her body entirely intangible for a time. [color=696969][i]Mental Communication[/i][/color] A power she's had since birth, and one of the reasons she never believed she was merely human. Alice can talk to people through her mind just as easily as speaking out loud, and they can think back to her what they want to say so long as she keeps the line open. She can communicate with anyone within a certain distance of herself (10 meter radius), even through walls and such, and when she speaks like this she is able to control exactly how her voice sounds, even able to make herself sound like a man if she wanted. The sound of her voice always seems to echo slightly when she uses this ability however, so there's always a way to tell if the words are just being heard in your mind or if they are actually being spoken out loud. [center][img]http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=2640142&size=large&format=png&rev=1476610238[/img][/center] [b] H I S T O R Y [/b][hr] [quote] I lived in rural Europe, with my mummy dear: Fell down a damned rabbit hole, and found that all is twisted here. I lost my mind, and wandered far... I sang with demons and danced with a devil- whose face shone like a star. I soon decided that this place was more a home to me, than anything I ever had upon your crumbling, wasted Earth. [code]. . . Y o u c a n ' t u n d e r s t a n d h o w g o o d i t f e e l s t o b e H o m e , a t l a s t .[/code][/quote][center][img]http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=2640142&size=large&format=png&rev=1476610238[/img][/center] [b] O T H E R A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr] [color=FDD017] [u]Other:[/u] Speech = FDD017 Mental speech = [b]FDD017[/b] thought = [i]FDD017[/i][/color] [hider= Angels ~ Vicetone feat. Kat Nestel ] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rn0_lw_Lst0[/youtube] [/hider] [color=FDD017] Secret Word: [/color] :rollin [/Hider] [u][b]T A K E N C O L O R S:[/b][/u] [color=RosyBrown]Emiko is RosyBrown. - - (RosyBrown)[/color] [color=FDD017]Alice is Gold. - - - - (FDD017)[/color] [color=00FFFF]Nisa's color is Aqua. - - (00FFFF)[/color] [color=800000]Vesuvius is Dark Red. - - (800000)[/color] [color=008080]Tsunami's color is Dark Teal. - (008080)[/color]