[center][color=Magenta][h2]Alicia Harnick[/h2] Level: 2 Day/Time: Day Two Location: Butter Building, Kirby's Dream Land Interacting: Mister Bright and Mister Shine[@Holy Soldier], Frisk Dreemur[@Guardian Angel Haruki] Mention: Banjo-Kazooie[@Etherean Fire], Cloud Strife[@Holy Soldier] Word Count: 365[/color][/center] The sudden change in Mister Bright's attention as he pulled his Lunar Blade away caused the Titan to follow both his and Frisk's gaze, although his words hadn't slipped his mind. [color=Magenta][i]Even if they turn on each other, he'll still turn on us. He's not interested in anything more than revenge and fulfilling his duty.[/i][/color] In a way, she admired that about him, an understanding that he had been tasked with something and would do it no matter what. It was a quality valued in all Guardians, even though each of them went about completing that duty differently. Still, the moon themed villain had stated that he had no intention of letting them pass, and that made him a foe. He observed the sun themed Mister Shine fall to the ground, the other Moon Blade, which Alicia had lost track of during her struggle with the one thrown at her and Frisk, resting inside the burning celestial body. [color=Magenta]"He's still alive after that? What kind of fucked up physics does this world play by?"[/color] However, the question was lost as he noticed the moon approaching and proceeded to ridicule him. Alicia reacted to it by bracing herself with her blade, waiting for the inevitable power attack that the sun would make. After a silent moment, it did come, but not towards the heroes. The crazed and maniacal sun unleashed a blast of dual plasma against his lunar counter part, who blocked it with his one remaining blade. The Striker knew that the stalemate wouldn't last, but remained torn on who to attack first. Mister Bright had already proven himself susceptible to their attacks and had taken damage from them. But on the other hand, it was clear that Shine had no reservations about going all out, and even as the orange cracks appeared and Frisk called for them to focus on the sun, Alicia made a decision. Two discs of Arc energy collided with the side of the sun, crackling and unleashing their painful and powerful torrents into him, before her grenade bounced in front of him. After a slight delay, it would explode, blinding the sun as well as hurting him. [color=Magenta]"Hit him now!"[/color]