[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmI5MTgyMS5UbWx1WVNCRWNtRmpZVzVwZFhNLC4w/moria-citadel.regular.png[/img] [h2][b]Oasis[/b][/h2] [@Lmpkio][@KoL][/center] As Nina stepped into the pyramid she found herself in a lush jungle or swamp of some sort, water pooled to just above knee level for her as she searched for the enemy she knew would be here. A voice echoed all around here, telling her to turn back lest she die like all who had come before her. Of course this would not do, she had a goal to fulfill so she couldn't just turn away. Not only that, but this voice sounded condescending as all hell, which pissed her off. [color=crimson]"Not only will I not turn away, but I shall tear you apart for your insolence! Now come out so I can crush you!"[/color] Her eyes darted around, nothing coming from the left or right, no attacks coming from above and a quick look over her shoulder told her nothing was behind her. Suddenly she noticed how quiet everything had gone as she looked at the water that pooled at her knees, her eyes narrowing as she suddenly drew her blade. Not even a second later her suspicions were proved correct as Sobek, the Crocodile Guardian of the first pyramid erupted from the waters and swiped at her with the force of several men. Nina had no problems blocking this attack, but she wasn't prepared for his tail swipe. She attempted to guard her torso expecting it to smash into her, but she wasn't ready for the water to splash into her face and blind her for a moment. Nina closed her eyes and opened her mouth, shooting out a stream of Darkness to try and push Sobek away from her for a few moments when suddenly something grabbed onto her from behind. Her head turned and with it her stream of darkness ate away at the plants that tried to grab her, the one that actually did manage to grab her was quickly cut through by her blade as she took off to the air. As she rubbed her eyes to get the water out of them she continued to fire darkness everywhere blindly, not even aware that Mephilus had entered the battlefield. He would need to be careful to not get hit by friendly fire, as this darkness ate away at everything without care for friend or foe. [hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjFlMjJiZS5TR1Z1Y25rZ1VHVmhjbXdnUVhaaGNtbDBhV0UsLjAAAAAA/blackchancery.regular.png[/img] [@KoL][/center] A very disheveled and smug looking Henry walked through the streets of Hyperion towards Eos's throne room, blindfold covering his eyes as he shoulder checked any civilian who didn't immediately clear out of his way. Not that there were many, most people were beginning to wise up and not make Henry angry lest they lose a limb or visit the hospital with several broken bones. Henry had gotten his pay docked several times for these incidents of course, but he had certainly built a reputation. Finally Henry made it to the front door, luckily the doors opened automatically so he didn't need to worry about running into it like an idiot. As for why he looked so disheveled, he had just spent a very long time in the Neutral Areas while completely blind and deprived of his Gates. Even the best of the warriors in the Nexus would struggle to survive in such a harsh environment and that was not counting all the handicaps Henry had entered with. But he didn't break from this, no he died a few times but he remained unbroken. Not only did he survive the deadliest places known to the universe, he thrived in those places. But that was a story for another time, right now Henry needed someone to fight. And luckily for him Eos had called him in personally for just such a thing, as the rest of the Machina elite were busy with some lame desert. Thus the task that Eos had fell to him, whatever that task was. Just before the door to Eos's throne room he stopped and sighed, fuck this thing was getting annoying. He reached up to the back of his head and looked for the knot tying the blindfold to his face, locating it and letting it loose with one smooth pull. The fabric fell to the floor and Henry rubbed his still closed eyes for a moment, finally taking his hands away from his face and opening his eyes. Henry was back and ready for action. He opened his eyes and grinned, only to suddenly cringe and bring his hands back to his face to cover his eyes. [color=steelblue]"AGHH GOD FUCKING DAMNIT IT'S BRIGHT IN HERE!"[/color] He screamed as he pressed his hands to his face, taking a deep breath as he straightened up. He slowly took his hands away from his face and opened his eyes just a little bit, yeah that was better. With that he entered the throne room and waited for Eos to address him.