As they boarded the ship, and settled in, Jarvis kept an eye on Amelia, and at her question, he glanced to Jamie, who seemed distracted, Jarvis turned towards Amelia to answer her, giving her a smile. [color=tan]”We can do anything you want, Sweetie. For the moment, you do need rest… i know you want to go on the island, but if you’re still not well… “[/color] he said, trailing off, before sighing softly. [color=tan]”But there is plenty of things we can do… you’ve never been on a ship, have you?”[/color] he said thoughtfully, [color=tan]”Would you like to learn how they run?”[/color] [hr][hr] Jamie surveyed the ship, her gaze going over the various guild members, making sure that they were all okay and settling in. She let her gaze linger on the Dragon slayers, and other various slayers on the ship, well knowing about the Dragon Slayers weakness to travel, she was curious to see if it extended to the others. Relaxing, there was nothing that demand her att- Her eyes narrowed over Karn and Ferrin. What had happened there? Automatically, she was moving. What had come over Karn? Intent on making sure the ailing boy- and the Edolas version of him that shared his body- were okay, Jamie ran a keen gaze over both of them. Nothing too serious, it seemed. No serious injuries, at least. But it was clear that there was something else going on here, and she was intent on making sure what it was, so that she could help. Or sit them down and ensure they weren’t going to destroy the ship, at least. Zero and Zenoram got there first, rushing past Jamie to hug Karn, seemingly ignoring or perhaps not aware of the situation that had just occurred and seemed to be occurring. Watching for a few seconds, Jamie approached, pausing at the conversation. She tilted her head, frowning. [color=orange]”I do not believe I have ever given the impression that I am incompetent.”[/color] she said, in a soft voice. She paused at Karn/Edarn’s display, frowning slightly. They’d have to do something about that, and soon. Helping Ariel and Ethel had certainly given her a few ideas on that regard, and she’d have to focus on that after this mission. It was clear the two versions of Karn couldn’t continue on like this. At Ferrin’s question, Jamie couldn’t help it. She laughed, her voice seeming to fill the ship for a moment or two before fading away over the water. [color=orange]”A fair question, and if I still carried the souls of my shape shifting counterparts, well it would be a rather larger number.”[/color] She said amusing still dancing in her voice. [hr] Michael nervously walked on the deck of the ship, his arms around himself. The last time he’d been on a boat… he shuddered at the memory, and glanced about him, looking for a place he could go… searching for Prince, or Zephyr. He avoided others, for the moment, wanting instead to find his friends… to have some level of comfort around so many people. [color=gold]”You know exactly why you’re here, Gabriel. Because the King wants you to be, and I must guide you on that path. The mere fact Sanders said you could go, means you are meant to be here. Now stop complaining!”[/color] a voice said, only catching Michael’s attention because of his brothers name. He look about curiously. Was Gabriel here? He hadn’t been under the impression that his brother would be going- he didn’t think there were many from Frenzy Plant here, but… Had something changed? He looked around for any sign of his brother. [color=darkgreen]”But… why me, Leo? Why is it always me?”[/color] His brothers voice made his heart soar, it had been months since he’d seen him. [color=green]”G-Gabriel?”[/color] he called, searching for him still. [color=darkgreen]”Michael?!”[/color] Michael turned around the ship’s house, and ran directly into his brother. He didn’t hesitate, instead he wrapped his arms around his twin, hugging him tightly.