[Hider= Asher Pavlov ] [center] [color=#990012][h3][i]  “ A life that has been lost cannot be brought back. That very truth is what shows us the meaning of living. ”  [/i][/h3][/color][hr] [img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/427125456098295810/427718646148890624/resurrection_sunday_by_poglazovs-da2iqf0.jpg [/img] [/center] [hr][hr] [b] B A S I C   I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr] [color=#954535] Name: [/color] Asher Pavlov [color=#954535] Alias: [/color] Ash, Patchwork killer [color=#954535] Age: [/color] actual age, approximately 20. appeared age varies [color=#954535] Gender: [/color] Male [color=#954535] Sexuality: [/color] Pan [color=#954535] Birthday: [/color] December 12th [color=#954535] Languages: [/color] Russian (Native language) English, American and British sign language (often will sign when speaking, prefers british sign language) [color=#954535] Nationality: [/color] русский (Russian) [color=#954535] Type: [/color] Zombie [color=#954535] Powers/Abilities: [/color] Very good at not dying (extends his life via Murder and sewing himself new bodies) [color=#954535] Explicit Weaknesses: [/color] not very good at not dying if you murder his brain [hr][hr] [b] P H Y S I C A L   A P P E A R A N C E [/b][hr] [center][img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416202647222091787/427562967752638484/20170905_123842.jpg [/img][/center] [color=#954535] Height: [/color] Varies, typically about 1 m 50 cm [color=#954535] Weight: [/color] Varies, typically about 120 lb [color=#954535] Eye Color: [/color] prefers blue and hazel [color=#954535] Hair Color: [/color] prefers red [color=#954535] Other: [/color] Constantly changing appearance due to method of staying alive, literally everything is subject to change. Skin is a random patchwork of colours again, due to method of staying alive [color=#954535] Fashion Sense: [/color] He is always wearing a slightly oversized long sleeve bunnyhug he made himself, as well as duct taped cargo pants (with the ability to extend the legs just in case) [hr][hr] [b] P S Y C H O L O G Y [/b][hr] [color=#954535] Personality: [/color] *oh dear I'm bad at this-come back here later* [color=#954535] Likes: [/color] Sewing, His Teddy, sweets (can't eat them, but can lick at lollipops for their flavour), designing clothes of all types, Necromancers. [color=#954535] Dislikes: [/color] Scientists (they're spooky), Crowded streets or places, Holy anything (only healing spells hurt but all things churchy make him uncomfortable) People that scream really loudly (it's very annoying when he needs to replace his vocal chords) [color=#954535] Fear: [/color] Being caught by the police/His dad. [color=#954535] Greatest Hope: [/color] Would like to be a real boy and be a runway fashion designer [color=#954535] Habits: [/color] Talks to his teddy bear when stressed or lonely. teddy sometime talks back if it's really bad [color=#954535] Hobbies: [/color] New and creative methods of Murder~ New and creative Methods for making dresses~ [hr][hr] [b] H I S T O R Y [/b][hr] Born to a Scientist Named Doflux Pavlov in Russia, his mother supposedly died in childbirth. As a baby he was constantly very sick and as a child it got no better. Most days he was bed ridden, his father often gone as he was researching a way to help His son. as the age of 5 his condition became critical and he slipped into a coma. A year later he woke in the center of a circle, it turned out his father after a few months turned to researching magic as a way to save him and had now transferred his soul to a new body, one held together by sloppy magic. At first everything felt foreign to him, but he gradually grew used to it. As years passed he would occasionally be transferred to a new body to compensate for age or rot, until he was 17. Asher had full control an was used to the bodies, he learned what was right and what was wrong to do. he was supposed to be transferred again on his 18th birthday but just before he ran away. Deciding to find and create himself a new, Ideal body that didn't feel like he had to share space with another self. this eventually devolved into finding a suitable Human, killing them and having to take their limbs for himself, never a lot though, never multiple organs or full limbs, to much of one person and they would move in and be trapped with him. [hr][hr] [b] O T H E R   A D D I T I O N A L   I N F O R M A T I O N [/b][hr] [color=#954535] Other: [/color] He can sometimes unwittingly trap souls when he kills and takes parts. these will manifest as fragment personalities and will be able to be interacted with via his teddy bear [/Hider]