Alright, so everyone has made very fine characters. We want certain creative freedoms so the critiques will not be too nitpicky. Just a little bit of extra stuff. [@ihinka] You need to write down where she was and what she was doing when called by the Baron. Other than that, she's good. [@Dervish] You're already completed, though I admit there is a small pedantic note. Judging by Lucian's age and the current year, it would be his great grandfather who fought for Napolean and not his grandfather. But that's just splitting hairs tbh. He is done, sir. [@Amaranth]I wonder what happened to your character's mother. You spoke about her father quite a bit, but I don't believe you ever explained if he was widowed. Did she have siblings? Other than that, done! [@Hero] Already spoke to you on discord and you edited, so accepted! Unless my fellow GM has any following comments, then we're set.