Jenso glared at Yzeira as he approached. He stopped walking forwards, keeping a close eye on Yzeira's movements. He was unsure if Yzeira had something in the pocket of his coat that he'd touched earlier, and it was possible that he'd taken more measures to keep Jenso at bay. Especially when he fully intended to focus on the rift now. He felt a flame burning within, one that told him to advance at his foe and attack. But he needed to wait for the right moment. [color=f26522]"I may not have a chance of beating you, but I don't intend to flee, either. It's not something that I like to do in any situation, and it's pointless to run anyhow. I got this far thanks to the aid of my companions, and I don't intend to let them down. Honestly, trying to fight you is simply better to me than accepting my end."[/color] He responded, clenching his fists. [color=f26522]"If you were in my shoes, would you surrender? Would you simply sit by and accept your demise?"[/color] He asked.