Junkrat figured the news of an intact fusion core would surprise any wastelander who knew what it was, and he wished he could see Roadhog's face behind his mask to see his expression. Instead, those tinted lenses remained on the lack of a road ahead. Ever the brooding type, eh? Or maybe brooding just wasn't the word to describe Roadhog- maybe a better choice was contemplative. The big guy seemed quiet, or at least short-spoken, and didn't beat around the bush when he did talk. As they neared a large vertical rock sticking out of a dried up ravine, Junkrat tapped Roadhog's arm. "Hang a right around this rock. Through the ditch. See the Boab with the two trunks to the northwest? Stop at that tree." He instructed, hoping his memory served him right. He'd buried the fusion core somewhere around that tree. It'd been the dead of night so his sense of direction had been skewed, but he was almost certain it was this particular tree. Once Roadhog brought the chopper to a halt nearby the boab tree, Junkrat hastily scrambled out, on the hunt for his precious fusion core. He looked around at the ground, humming in thought. "It's around here somewhere, mate. I swear. It's buried in the ground by this tree, just gotta remember which side." Inspecting the dry dirt as he paced around the tree, he came to a spot where it looked like the ground had been disturbed. Kneeling down, Junkrat used his bare hands to dig down and tear the soil up. Sure enough, he'd found his treasure about twelve inches below the surface. Reaching down with both hands, a wicked grin on his face, he took the round metallic object in his hands. There was a faint yellow glow from the pit of the center of the steel orb, signaling that indeed, it still had power. Or at least he assumed that's what it meant. Stuff that glowed was either radioactive or energized. He liked to think he wasn't holding fistfuls of radiation at the moment. "Here it is... A beaut', am I right?" He asked, turning to Roadhog. "This is the whole reason blokes have been hunting me down. Funny ain't it? This little thing causing all these problems?"