[b]Name:[/b] Jain Surya of House Ifreet [b]Age:[/b] (23) [b]Gender:[/b] (Male) [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] (Women, but his true love dead. Oh, she dead. Very dead) [b]Position:[/b] Captain of the Magi and a member of the 7. Status Unknown: Washed up on a foreign land with no idea who he was or how he ended up there. Amnesia. [b]Personality:[/b] Friendly. Loyal to his friends. Will happily joke around with his friends at a local watering hole or something. A great sense of pride and honour. Honour bound to serve those who save his life. (especially a lot of these in battle). Interest in old books and aesthetics. Also, has developed a second personality named Marid (a powerful shade which the Draivim call Djinn) due to years spent on the battlefield. So, you might catch him with a dark aura around him from time to time (and no, you’re not imagining it so best to avoid him if you feel it). Moody. Likes to slaughter his enemies on the battlefield with no mercy, no prisoners. [hider=Appearance:] ·Black hair with grey speckled about. Tanned Skin. Green eyes (glows slightly at night due to a the bloodgrass potion he takes to enhance his battlefield prowess). ·Very lean but a bit muscular. 6 feet high. ·Got a thick scruffy beard as he has not groomed or maintained his appearance for a few months (he was shipwrecked). [i]Attire:[/i] Standard uniform of the Magi Detachment (A small contingent of Military Mages): Black, knee length, waterproof coat made with a light fabric coated in a special oil and lined with small hardened steel plates stitched strategically around the inner lining covering vital organs. (below the waist the 4 of the plates are visible). Tightened around the wait with a black leather utility belt with several pouches. A second utility belt also attaches to the main belt and is slung over the left shoulder diagonally across the torso. Green shoulder armour containing the insignias of the House of origin and the Daimyo he serves on his right shoulder, and his rank insignia and regimental insignia on the left shoulder. A dark green cloak. A 30-inch, straight, blade without a hilt-guard hangs in a sheath behind him. Hidden under the cloak (quite heavy blade for its size as it has a tungsten core making it quite heavy and harder to melt). This makes for some interesting use of fire magic. Prefers to wear a pair of riding boots and fitted clothes to allow him to move about more easily. [/hider] [hider=Background:] A captain in the military of the Draivim Empire. Military Mage from a long line of Military Mages of House Ifreet (Adopted into the house from one of the mountain clans as per tradition). [i]Age 7:[/i] Adopted by the family of House Ifreet from his clan. [i]Age 8-15: [/i] Discovers his potential for magic and especially an affinity for magic. Trains in the arts of Pyromancy and Alteration until aged 15 and enrolled into the Corps of Military Mages in service to the Empire as was the Ifreet family tradition. Discovered talent for Command and Tactics. Proficient tactician. [i]Age 19: [/i] The Battalion he was assigned to was nearly wiped out in an ambush, killing about 200 men including most of his superiors, leaving a single general alive but mortally wounded. The general gave the order to rally the survivors and to fight to the death to preserve their honour. He quickly rallied the surviving 30 men including 17 battle mages, commanding them so skillfully that they managed to repel an enemy infantry force significantly outnumbering them (got lucky that the enemy mages didn’t arrive in time for the battle). In the end there was only 7 survivors. All of them mages. Earned the nickname of Fire Djinn due to his proficient use of Pyromancy in successfully wiping out the attackers. For his actions he was assigned to the Magi with the rank of Captain. (Captain of the Magi are ranked just above the generals of the standard military, meaning if they wanted to, they can take command of the armies at will on command of the Emperor without question). The Magi is an organisation of Highly Proficient Military Mages. An ancient organisation tasked with the security of the Empire by any means necessary, undertaking various special missions such as espionage conducting war. He was also given command of the surviving mages of his battalion and formed his own small detachment of Magi. [i]Age 23 (current age):[/i] Mysteriously washed up on the shores of a foreign land and suffers from amnesia. He has no recollection of how he ended up there and doesn’t remember certain details from his life. Only remembers his name after looking at a metal medallion with his name and the house crest etched onto it hanging from a small tungsten chain attached to the hardened steel plate protecting his heart. [/hider] [hider=Skills] Pyromancy Alteration Expert spy Battlefield alchemy (creating certain potions to aid healing, performance, and manage pain) Proficient battlefield commander. Warrior mage: Skilled Close Quarter Combatant and swordsman making use of pyromancy to aid in combat. Also unique to him, he can heat his blade made with a tungsten core instantly using pyromancy; So when it cuts his enemies, it burns and sets their clothes and flesh alight even before the blade makes contact with it. This also makes the blade glow almost red hot but the tungsten core prevents the blade from melting or breaking when heated. This however does result in the blade being blunted after the use of the spell meaning it need to be sharpened after the spell is used. This is an instant spell that takes a great deal of focus to control and can only be used in very short bursts, else the blade will either melt or bend. [/hider] [hider=Weaknesses:] [i]Amnesia:[/i] has trouble performing certain spells due to it. [i]Multiple personality disorder:[/i] has a much darker hidden persona sealed away that perks up from time to time. [i]Addiction:[/i] Suffering from withdrawal from a certain alchemical potion for performance on the battlefield he made using Blood Grass that he got addicted to before he lost his memory (doesn’t remember why he’s suffering or how to make this drug and so will suffer for the next month until it leaves his body fully). [/hider]