Vlad rubbed his hands together once the day's business was over, and looked over his company. There was the foppish elf, the same Dwarfs, and two human buggers; a motley crew to be sure. He wondered how he'd synergise with them but then decided such a thought experiment was pointless for only time would tell. Instead, he bade them all good night and stepped outside. There he lay together with his horse, using his fur coat as something to lie on. He did not at all seem phased by the cold of the night, happily staring into the twinkling stars until he went to sleep with a raspy breath that verged on a light snore. [hr] Vlad would awake about half an hour later than the Estalian, brought to his current consciousness by the rise of the sun becoming acute. He procured some water and waved his current boss good morning, humming a nursing tune as he did so. The mage wasn't quite sure what to do with his time so he decided to sit and watch his steed grazing whilst he sharpened one of his blades. As the time came, he put his sword away, brushed himself off and stood up. He'd seek out the Estalian while whistling the melody from earlier. Going along he wondered what his first assignment would be. The employer clearly needed a group that could probably even take a troll or two, based on the weapons they were carrying and his own... talents. A moment passed where he wondered if he was making a mistake, if the adventurous life would turn out to be a miserable thing, going from one scarp for your life to another just so you could go back to a tavern for a week, drink away your coin, and repeat until you dropped dead here or there. Again he brushed aside the thoughts, knowing that he could quite any time he liked. Thus, he stood waiting for the rest of the group to come.