Name: William Cornilious Age: 12,364 Gene: Mechanicum Rank or title: Fabricator Locum, Adept Gender: Male Appearance: A thin 7'7" mass of machines and a brain. His glowing red orbs have a cruel and otherworldly feeling in his gaze. A face made of machines, not a mask like most. Six Mecha-dendrites protrude from his robotic spine. His legs are digitigrade with claws supporting him. His arms are lanky like his legs and torso, but the left one is bulky and has 3 claws and many moving parts. His right arm has only four digits and a compartment hiding a blade so sharp it cuts through astartes battle-plate. His deep red robe with gold trimming has no sleeves and the hood shields viewers the sight of his face should he have it on. A bolter sits on his left hip, begging for use. When he releases the chaos, his metal blackens, his eyes turn purple, his robe the color of blood and spikes and skulls adorn him. White paint splits his face and covers his left arm. When it is fully released as His Prince self, he is massive, metallic, and monstrous. His face looks like that of a horned lizard, but all metal. His dendrites shift down his body and become tails that connect to one tail. His frame hunches and his robe becomes a cowl and loincloth, bearing a demented form of the Mechanicum sigil. Wires, pistons, spikes and skulls adorn the monstrosity, and flesh surrounds the eyes. His blade now is held rather than apart of him, with hooks and a cruel curve on the blade. Equipment: -Bolter -Pendant -Augmentations Augmentations(optional): All Augmentations available for the base body. plus; -6 mecha-dendrites -Retractable blade -Noosphere data reader -Tool arm(left arm) Various Augmentations detected. Purpose unknown Psyche: Cornilious is what most say is the true ideal mechanicum: Full of emotion and helpful. But by mechanicum standards, he is a bastard and mockery of the Mechanicum. He will help those in need, should he believe they deserve it. However, many secrets and rumors surround him. In truth, Cornilious is the only Chaos-afflicted being allowed to live in Imperium space. He hides behind his mask of helpful to keep people away from the sadistic, crazed, and depression prone being beneath. His alter-ego, Black Bill, tries his best to comply with the orders of the inquisition, but due to the insanity of the chosen god, Malal, he has no choice but to release it once a Terran month. In either forms, it is unwise to talk about or ask of his past, for memories of the last loved one he had remain on his sadistic and corrupted mind. His Alter-ego seems to be maniacal as well, laughing randomly and when his chaos is released, unresponsive unless his name is spoken. He is loyal, without a doubt, to the Empire, Malal, Those who occupy his forge complex, and his former master's memory, for she has been dead since the heresy, the day he snapped. Bio: William Cornilious was born on the red planet, and will die on the red planet. Those are his own words. He cannot recall much of his child hood, for it was brief and he soon started training in the mechanicum ranks. He soon met his master, who was not much older than him and already a successful adept. Adept Koreal Zeth, mistress to the magma city. She brought him in and taught him the ways of science, not the ways of the Omnisah. She saw the true religion and the best reason to join the mechanicum being science, for she cared not for deities. He quickly went through the ranks of the mechanicum under her tutelage, but they were more than student and teacher. But what they were truly, no one knows. No one, except Cornilious himself. In order to show that Zeth supported the Crusades somewhat, he went on them, serving under the Ultra-marines, Guilliman Himself spoke highly of Cornilious. When the heresy started, Cornilious was with Guilliman's back-up fleet overseeing repairs on Terra. When he heard of the Istavaan III Atrocity, he was dumbfounded. Then shortly after, he heard of the civil war on mars and that only one city remained untainted; The Magma City. When news came of The City's fall in battle, he was outraged. The day after, Horus attacked Terra at the imperial palace. William's anger had brewed to the point of combustion, he blindly attempted to join the fighting. He, however, was the highest ranked member of the mechanicum of mars that was not tainted, so they attempted to restrain him. It took 12 Astartes to finally subdue him through his rage and lock him inside, several gaining scars from the incident. After the Victory in the battle for Terra, Cornilious and the others, after repairing the Imperial Palace, went back to Mars to fix the mess the Dark Mechanicum left. He built a forge complex on the shore of the lake the Magma City was on, right next the broken segment of bridge. As the days turned to months, the months to years, Cornilious grew in rank, strength, and fame. His forge was prosperous and he was respected. During an excavation of a temple, he was separated from his servants during a cave in. There, he discovered a pendent hovering with a dark glow over a rune-covered alter. He reached to grab it, and black consumed his vision in all spectrums. He heard whispers, then he could see, but only himself, but he was without his augmentations. Then his body melted, metal growing from the ground into his form around his brain. Purple eye shaped fires lit in the distance, looming over him. This is Cornilious's account: [i][color=ed1c24]"A crackling laughter boomed like thunder in the darkness, but I could tell it's owner was the fearsome beast like eyes. It had an amused look, then spoke. [color=gray]"My, my. What have we here? A metal man with ants in his head? Let's make him my new toy! But wait, he has use, yes use. Why make a toy, when you can have a car? Hm? What does the Dark mechanicum Runt think To Malice's deal?"[/color] it said darkly with and amused tone. I gathered my pride and rage and roared "I am not Dark mechanicum, beast! They seek only their own destruction!" The eyes laughed again. [color=gray]"Quite the temper on it, that's no doubt! I like it's mind, full of madness and irony. If it becomes the envoy, then it will be rewarded with the soul of the ploy! Hehehehhahahha!"[/color] I stood there in fear, shock, confusion, and anger. The beast waited patiently. It said rewarded, but I had no intentions of serving chaos. But the soul of the ploy? Who's soul? And an Envoy? Is he suggesting me be his messenger to the empire? Most likely, for I knew Malal was the most hated of the dark gods, and needed all the help he could get. I mustered my logic and my bravery and replied. "What, oh great Malal, mean by the soul of the ploy? And where are we?" It laughed further. [color=gray]"A broken one, a intimate friend of it's. Here in the warp we reside, as well as your reward as the man inside! Now, must I explain to more, my toy, or shall a tie you be?"[/color] I instantly replied out of desperation. "YES!"[/color][/i] Once he returned from the warp, he was in the hands of the Inquisition. After much debate, explaining, and fighting, he managed to work out a deal. He returned to his forge with the pendent and began his reform. His inner forge was more secured than before, daemon engines housed inside. His own personal Imperial Knight, [i]Ares Persecutor[/i] was linked to his warp changes. He fought in more battles to both defend the empire and serve Malal's musings. He noticed something however. He wasn't decaying. His mind longer decayed at the slowed rate all high adepts end at should they live long enough. He was immortal, the last change of chaos taking hold. As time went by, he improved his standing with all of the people he served. Malal even made him a daemon prince of anarchy for causing madness and chaos where Cornilious deemed necessary. The Inquisition helped by getting rid of those that found out his secret, and Guilliman, after much persuasion and demonstrations of loyalty, even went back to being a friend. He could still look like he always did, but when his chaos was released he turned into a hulking mass of metal. He was no longer weak. But when he recieved a message of someone powerful, he felt weak. The Thought of the dragon of mars being real and ALIVE was now his fear. He needed to check on it and it's watcher. He needed those it would not find so easily. He needed help. Other: The pendant is how he is corrupted and he wears it as a reminder of who has power over him. He also has a section of Zeth's, his master, face-plate.