WIP [hider=Sky Jones] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/374480cbc2a77a82b2058af56a035228/tumblr_orhqclJy2K1wo4xdwo1_1280.png[/img] [b]Full Name: Sky Lucius Jones[/b] [b]Nicknames/Aliases: Blue Sky[/b] [b]Age: 16[/b] [b]Gender: Agender (They/Them) [/b] [b]Primary: Aeromancy [/b] [b]Secondaries of Interest/Secondaries: Shadow Steps and Levitation[/b] [b] Description:[/b] (What do they look like? Even if you've got a picture, a bit of writing would be nice. Include their usual attire, any notable scarring or markings, etc.) [b]Personality:[/b](A brief outline of their demeanour.) [b]Crush: None[/b] [b]Skills:[/b] (Magical or practical abilities.) [b]Weaknesses:[/b] (Achilles' Heels that can be exploited by enemies.) [b]Brief History:[/b] (Any notable events in their background that might have shaped them. If you don't want to reveal too much, that's fine. Please include any information worth mentioning regarding the character’s bloodline in this section.) [b]Other:[/b][/center] They got a brother name [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DB81MGXU0AAcWPa.jpg:large]Casper[/url][/hider]