[center][h2]✧ DAY 7 - Genesis City - 9AM ✧[/h2] 6/24/2076[/center] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dM5oeVigroA&t=600s[/youtube] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kQo92op.png[/img][/center] So dawns the 7th day of Talrae. A whole week it has been since the great fiasco that shook your world upside down... but some say that 7 is a lucky number. Plus you are all alive and well so far... of course you lost some and can't shake off the feeling that you may lose more but perhaps you should be more appreciative what you have. At the very least, the weather is great, as rays of warm sunlight rains down upon Genesis City once again.