"I think we should head back to the Highlander and head for space," Taya put in from the bed. Junebug was shaking her head even before she finished speaking. "No, it would look suspicious, it would be a golden opportunity for whoever is behind this to pin everything on us." Sayeeda didn't know what the reach of the Planetary Nobility was but she would rather not spend the next several years dodging bounty hunters and assassins at best and tedious legal proceedings at worst. "It seems to me," Sayeeda said carefully, "that we should go and see Aiden. Seeing as we are stuck here until the ceremony tomorrow night, we ought to see what we can do to keep our patron alive." "Alexia clearly had something important she wanted to talk to Aiden about," Taya interjected. "Important enough to kill her over?" [@POOHEAD189]