[b]Alicia Hayden[/b] Aware of the risks that came with what she was doing, the high powered attack paid off as she roasted one of the things before it could flip the ship over from brute force. She couldn't simply stop at the one however, and swung around to bring herself to aim at one of the creatures on the deck. Though it was a good thing that Mariette's portals weren't two way since that would have been a bit awkward. As it was, the strength of her magic torched the portal it hit before continuing to strike the Gorelion behind it. Gritting her teeth she kept her focus up as she tried to keep from going too far with this spell. Nonetheless by the time this Gorelion died too Alicia was basically tapped out for all the mana she was willing to use, even with the emergency reserve afforded by her blood magic. At least she didn't have to worry about anything else as the group finished off the remaining bad guys without her, including their resident slime girl getting shot out of a cannon (of all things) With the coast clear for now, Alicia sent away Star Seraph before staggering a bit, grabbing onto the railing as exhaustion from the rapid use of all that mana set in. "I really hope she doesn't have many more of those things," she remarked as she gestured to the carcass on their deck. She wasn't sure how they were going to get rid of that but it wasn't her problem, at least in her opinion. Alicia carefully lowered herself down to the deck of the ship, leaning back against the wall as she observed everything that was going on. She should probably be angry about their new dragon teammate, but honestly she didn't have it in her right now. Besides, it wasn't like she was in a position to do anything about it right now anyway. So she'd just leave it be for now as long as it didn't start destroying things. Glancing over to her companion, Alicia gestured to the dead Gorelion. "Next time those things show up, you can take them out Suwako," she called. "i'm just gonna take ten, wake me up when we get there."