[hider=The Januaract][center][colour=9e0b0f][h3]Vacuole[/h3][/colour] [b]Divine - Demiplane - Jvan[/b][/center] [b]Description:[/b] The Januaract, or Grand Vacuole, is a system developed by Jvan to replenish her resources and safeguard her assets. It consists of a potentially infinite expanse of nothingness hewn by Jvan into her own fractal cavities, extending into extradimensional space. Predominantly empty and deliberately so, her control over the domain of Negatives allows her to expunge and expand the internal 'space' as needed, transporting drifting Heartlands to where they are most needed. Although its 'edges' cannot be mapped and the Januaract is effectively sizeless, various 'borders' are sometimes found, leading to Jvan via Heartland or directly, or even to the prime material plane. [b]Appearance:[/b] An abstract conceptual vacuum. The nature of infinity in Jvan's vacuole is such that lost entities drift somewhere between non-existence (as an infinitesimal blip in extreme nothingness) and singularity (as the only existent thing in all eternity, and thus a universe unto themselves). Where exactly they fall depends on factors only Jvan and Isonymph seem able to easily navigate, and by and large, once an entity's perception of Vacuole has settled on a particular iteration of the demiplane, it tends to stay there. Conscious beings that somehow access the Januaract tend to manifest 'near' 'landmarks', as they are usually destroyed by the process of trying to conceptualise true void (although this may take a long time). With no clear boundary between self and other, their unique perception often externalises and is absorbed into the surrounding void, 'colouring' it with reality-like properties. A wanderer may perceive the Januaract as black or white, solid or liquid, opaque or transparent; it may extend endlessly in all directions but still have a 'floor' to walk on, or even bear a grid on which the nothingness is suspended. The universal characteristic to all these perceptions is that the Januaract is [i]blank,[/i] one way or another. [i]Anything[/i] that exists in the Januaract is a mark upon a background, a blemish, a deviation from null. It has been wiped clean by Jvan; it exists outside of all creation, to anticipate and define its own un-birth. Abstractions aside, the Januaract is vast. Sufficient travel may discover the wall or Heartland near which one has manifested, but traversing from one to another via the Januaract is impossible for those without the ability to cancel out infinity. Travel [i]along[/i] walls of Jvan is more possible, and may yield more landmarks or a way out (and into her), but the fact that even these relatively mundane manifestations appear infinite from inside the Vacuole they contain is a telling sign of both its grandeur and hers. [b]Function:[/b] [b]Life:[/b] The Jvanic Heartlands are many and varied, and exist as 'open bubbles' anchored (or imperceptibly drifting, there's no actual difference) in the vacuum. Though largely self-contained, there is no consistent barrier between Heartland and Heartland or Heartland and Vacuole, and one is often easily reached via the other, although Heartlands are (usually) less abstract than the Januaract and as such may have physical limits consistent with their own internal laws.[/hider]