Eira stood silently beside the rest of her Fairy Tail family and stared at the spot that first Lockheart and then Natsu had stood. She couldn't wrap her head around the idea of four of her friends- no family- were gone and they weren't coming back. She knew all of them, of course she did, but apart from Makarov she hadn't spent an extensive amount of time with them. It didn't mean she considered them anything less them family though. Tears streamed silently down her face and she twisted her hands helplessly in the lose black dress that hit right at her knee. It contrasted sharply with her white hair and she hopped that didn't make her any more obvious from the crowd. She just wanted to stand in the same place and wallow in pity without any outside interaction. She couldn't imagine being Natsu and having to ask everyone for their vote on a new guild master after they had just discussed the death of the one they had all grown up with. Beside her she could hear someone sobbing to another person, but she refused to look over and see who. Having others cry was a sure way to get Eira to shed more of her own tears, and she would be sobbing right along with the person if she looked. Her hair was pulled back with a black headband and she had to keep pushing it away from her face so it wouldn't stick with the rain and tears. Everyone was voting and she heard the person sobbing to her side speak up to vote for Lockheart. It was Jacob, a newer member to the guild, she realized and beside him stood Victoria, looking more calm then Eira could ever imagine. She knew it had to be hard for the other girl too and she wasn't sure how she could stay so strong with everything happening. Their votes reminded her that she needed to figure out someone to vote for also. After them there was another vote for Laxus and Vi declined to even vote. Laxus was blood to Master Makarov, but Lockheart had been the one to speak up front. Plus, there was the issue of how Laxus used to be and she didn't need someone who could just changes his way whenever leading her. "I vote for Lockheart," she declared and raised her fist with the rest of the members who had voted, or declined too. Her Fairy Tail mark was on her shoulder, visible by the thin straps of her dress, but raising her arm didn't shift its position to be seen by anyone else. That didn't stop her from showing she was united with the rest of them and didn't even care about the tremble in her voice or the tears still streaming down her face and smearing the makeup she had stupidly put on.