[quote=@Zarkun] The Pokemon itself slowly approached him, and after a moment of judging the man in front of it, spoke. "Kingler?" Forest grinned and reached out, patting it reassuringly. [color=C10F0F]"It's alright, buddy. I won't hurt you."[/color] The Kingler seemed to relax and even nuzzle his hand. [/quote] [color=c4df9b]Forest[/color]'s interview seemed to be going well, but honestly it was hard to tell, with such a one-dimensionally happy interviewer. Then came the moment of truth, the moment Forest came face to face with a large [url=https://img00.deviantart.net/f4ab/i/2011/258/9/3/real_life_kingler_by_z3292802-d49wht2.jpg]Kingler[/url]. As Forest and Kingler sized each other up, Jacob (his interviewer) watched carefully. It was actually in this moment that Jacob's one-dimensional smile faultered, momentarily turning into a genuine soft grin. But before Forest could see this expression, it vanished behind the normal professional smile. [b][color=fff79a]Three weeks later...[/color][/b] It was still early in the month of April, April 6th to be exact. There had been no news on Forest's results, or anybody else's for that matter. But considering the tests lasted till the end of March, most people were understanding. Then, right at noon, 12 O'clock on the dot, he recieved [i][b]the[/b][/i] call. [b]"Congradulations!"[/b] It was a recording Professor Oak's voice. He had passed the tests! Acording to the message, everything would be explained in an email that was sent to him at the start of the phone call.... ([i][b]Quick Note[/b]: The following "email" is recieved by all human characters. In other words, this applies to [@Zarkun], [@Cerces22], [@LuckyBlackCat], as well our fourth person (assuming we get a fourth person).[/i]) [indent] Greetings (Your Character's Name), [indent]Congradulations! You are on your way to becoming a part of the world's first Pokemon trainers. But before we hand you Pokeballs and your first Pokemon, we must be absolutely sure that you are ready. While we expect the life of a trainer to be fun and exciting, it could (and probably will) also be dangerous. For this reason, we are going to hold a seven week bootcamp. Everyone will be split into seven groups, each with about 50 individuals from across the globe. You will be a part of [b]"Group 3"[/b]. With your group, you will travel to [b]seven[/b] different locations across the planet, to experience different ecosystems first hand and hone the skills needed to be the best Pokemon trainer you can be. Your journey, should you accept, will begin [b]May 4th[/b]. On that day, you will catch a flight from an airport near you and be taken to your first training site. You have until [b]April 21st[/b] to respond to this email. If you do not respond, your spot will be forfeited. If you respond and affirm your commitment, you will recieve your plane tickets via email within 24 hours. If you need special accomidations to get to the airport, please let us know. We hope you are still on board! [/indent] Sincerely, (Your Character's Nation) & Nations of the World [/indent] ([b]Quick Note:[/b] [i]Notice that this "email" is structured to apply to everyone in "Group 3". This is the group of which all player controled characters will be a part.[/i])